Like its cousin the possum, the opossum is a marsupial, which is to say that it is an animal that has a pouch. Jacob, just before his death, said of one of hissons, "Benjamin shall raven as a wolf; in the morning he shall devourthe prey, and at evening he shall divide the spoil. One reasonof this is, because it is so very heavy, and another is that its wingsare not of the right sort for flying. It is well for man that scorpions destroy each other as readily as theydo animals of a different kind. 23. The children of Israel sang a psalm ofpraise after God had saved them in this wonderful manner, and thesewords are a part of it: "Sing ye to the Lord, for he hath triumphedgloriously; the horse and his rider hath he thrown into the sea.". Yet I dare say you never took up yourBible to see how many times they are mentioned there, or how manybeautiful things are said about them. opossum, n. 1 a any mainly tree-living marsupial of the family Didelphidae, native to America, having a prehensile tail and hind feet with an opposable thumb. It has some resemblance to a horse, but is not as large, andgenerally seems rather sleepy and dull. It lives in places where you would think no animal could get withoutfalling and breaking its neck; you would be frightened to see itsometimes, when it climbs up rough and narrow places, or jumps from onegreat rock to another. Afterthey had travelled a great many days, they came near to the city whereAbraham had told them to go. We read in Isaiah, "There shall the vultures be gathered, everyone with her mate." Opossums hold the distinction of being the only marsupial that lives in the United States and Canada! The boldness of the lion is noticed in a verse in Isaiah: "Like as thelion and the young lion roaring on his prey, when a multitude ofshepherds is called forth against him, he will not be afraid of theirvoice, nor abase himself for the noise of them." Yet no father would beso wicked as to give one to his child instead of the egg which he neededfor food. Many travellers have seen these great clouds of locusts, and describethem in their books. David says, 2d Sam. the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; the flowers appearon the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice ofthe turtle (or turtle-dove) is heard in our land." The kite is mentioned but once or twice in the Bible. Their gestation is of 14–15 days with postpartum attachment to nipples for 3–4 weeks (Moore and Myers, 2006).The short-tailed opossum has a rudimentary flap of abdominal skin instead of a … Of course this is only a fable. The largest rodent in the world is what? It does not even like other bears, excepting itsown young ones, but chooses to live by itself in the gloomiest woods-often in a dark cave, or in the hollow part of some great old tree.When winter begins, it lies down to sleep, and does not wake up tillwarm weather comes again; then it creeps out of its retreat, lean andhungry enough-and cross enough, too. And then how busy the little creatures are! We can trust the intuition of a child, insofar as it aligns with the teachings of Scripture. The Bible tells us that death is the consequence of sin (1 Corinthians 15:21) and that death is an enemy (1 Corinthians 15:26). WhenJehu came near, she called out to him in great anger and scorn, toreproach him for having put her son to death. Opossums are about the size of small dogs. I had heard of their prehensile tail, but not appreciated the true wonder of it. Abel, who, as you know, was the third man that lived on the earth, was a"keeper of sheep;" and there have always been a great many shepherds inthe world from that time to this. Two goats once met on a highnarrow path, where there was just room for one to walk. You will not find the name of the Jerboa in the Bible; but it issupposed to be the same animal that is called a mouse in the 17th verseof the 66th chapter of Isaiah, "They that sanctify themselves, andpurify themselves in the gardens, eating swine's flesh, and theabomination, and the mouse, shall be consumed together, saith the Lord;"and also in Leviticus, where God is telling the children of Israel whatanimals they may be allowed to eat, and also what they must not taste.He says, "These also shall be unclean to you among the creeping thingsthat creep upon the earth; the weasel, and the mouse, and the tortoiseafter his kind." He had forty thousand horses, and silver andgold in abundance. Do you remember what David said when he was trying to persuade king Saulto let him go and fight with the great giant Goliath? David had sixbrothers, and Samuel did not know which of all the sons was to be king;but both he and their father Jesse supposed it would be one of the olderones, and nobody remembered even to call little David, who had been leftwith the sheep, until they found that he was the one whom God hadchosen. It is a cowardly bird, and does not attack any animalthat is strong enough to defend itself. From all these circumstances Eliezer felt sure that God had heardhis prayer; and it gave him pleasure to think that if this young womanwas willing to take so much trouble for a traveller whom she did notknow, she would be a very kind and good wife. Of the first kind the people make a kind of rough,coarse cloth; the other is made into very fine cloth, almost as soft assilk. And he asked God tolet him know in this way which I will tell you. Think what a sight it musthave been, when the chariots, and horses, and men, were all surroundedby that great, mighty water, and then sunk down one after another, sothat they could be seen no more. which leaveth her eggs in the earth, and warmeth them inthe dust, and forgetteth that the foot may crush them, or that the wildbeast may break them. An intuition is a mode of awareness-sensory, intellectual, or otherwise, in which something seems or appears to be directly present to one’s consciousness.” That is a complex way of saying that intuition is a valid form of knowledge that sees something as it really is; consequently, it should not be dismissed as merely irrational or emotional. Happy willit be for you, dear child, if you can say the same words, with peace inyour heart, when you lie down to die. It is not a handsome animal; itshair is rough and almost as close as wool, and its limbs are thick andclumsy. It is about a yard longfrom the top of its head, and it sometimes measures two yards across thewings. "As an eagle stirrethup her nest, fluttereth over her young, spreadeth abroad her wings,taketh them, beareth them on her wings; so the Lord alone did lead him. The stork is a bird of passage; it spends the summer in Holland andother countries in the north of Europe, but flies to a warmer climatebefore cold weather comes. It bounds along over the ground very rapidly;so that the greyhound, which is one of the swiftest of dogs, is oftenunable to overtake it. She heardhe was coming, and feared that he meant to put her to death; but shedetermined that, instead of begging him to spare her life, she would actas though she was still a queen, and then perhaps he would not dare toinjure her. The sheep in many countries are in danger from wolves, which prowl aboutand try to carry them off; so it is necessary to watch them by night aswell as by day. Andof Jezebel he said, "The dogs shall eat Jezebel by the wall of Jezreel. They can measure and study those deposits, but the moral nature of the cause of those deposits is a question science cannot touch. You remember that most beautiful psalmof his, the twenty-third, "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want: hemaketh me to lie down in green pastures; he leadeth me beside the stillwaters." Through the conquering death and resurrection of Jesus Christ on the Cross, death has been defeated (2 Timothy 1:10). David once said of his enemies,"They compassed me about like bees. There were once a great many among the rocksand mountains of our own country, but they will not stay where there aremany people; so they are seldom seen here now. Near-Death Experiences (NDEs) and the Christian. It is supposed that the prophet Amos speaks of the latterkind when he says, "As the shepherd taketh out of the mouth of the lion,two legs or a piece of an ear." Like the hart and hind, it is noted for itsswiftness: so we read, in 1st Chronicles, 12 : 8, of men who were "asswift as the roes upon the mountains." Encyclopedias - Scripture Alphabet of Animals - The Animals, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. In some places you may see small ant-hills scattered about, soclose together that you can hardly step without treading on them; andyou may find other places where there are not so many, but where thehills are much larger. 2 Austral. The form of the antelope is, ifpossible, still more graceful than that of the deer, and its limbs stillmore delicate; but the principal difference between them is in thehorns. A boat until they get as near tohim as they dare as readily as animals... Spirit animal message comes to you because things are several times spoken of in Bible. They aresomewhat like the crying of a day when the rotting opossum shall be no thing. 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