There's a lot you need to know to make things go smoothly with your new friend. The most common upper respiratory viruses in kittens have names: Bacterial infections also occur. The other feline virus responsible for cat sneezing is the Calicivirus. Most vets vaccinate kittens so they won't catch this disease but if they do, it can range from mild to severe. Sneezing is usually a sign of upper respiratory disease. Thread starter Maximus; Start date Jun 26, 2009; Maximus Senior Lairian. Gross stuff, you say? The new pet parent says Calamity sneezes once or twice at a time and maybe 4 times a day. If your kitten is sneezing intermittently and there are no other symptoms, you can start by cleaning up your kitten's environment. Common cold symptoms also include drooling, decreased appetite, flaky skin and diarrhea. Use something very soft and gentle, such as cotton wool dipped in warm water and squeezed to reduce the water, or an unscented baby wipe. Frequent sneezing in a newborn could be one sign of a respiratory infection. I hope you will like video, if you do hit that Like button and dont forget to Comment and Subscribe. These cold symptoms like sneezing and runny eyes are usually caused by a virus. Clients can get creative when describing nasal discharge. Dr. Tarantino is part of The Spruce Pets' veterinary review board. There are many things in your cat's environment that could cause an allergic reaction, including cigarette smoke, pollen, dust mites, household cleaners, some … In some cases, the vet may prescribe steroid treatment, but in severe cases, after other treatment options have been exhausted, your cat may need surgery to remove whatever is compromising its breathing. There's a simple cure for this issue: Just dust and vacuum your floors a bit more frequently. There are a few easy changes you can make: Stop using air fresheners, scented laundry detergents, perfumes and smoking inside to see if that makes a difference. Having a sick kitten on your hands is never fun. There are a variety of treatments that are appropriate for cat allergies. The Usual Suspects If your kitten's coughing and sneezing enough that you're concerned, the most likely culprit is an upper respiratory infection, which is basically a kitty cat cold. sneeze. (Darling, Denby, Corduroy, and … If I see no other signs of an eye infection, and the kitten hasn’t sneezed in the past 20 minutes while she is attached to the miniblinds on my window, then I will send this kitty home with the instructions for the mom to call me if the sneezing does not go away or if it gets worse over the next several days. Four black tabbies and one all black one They're SO cute and she's been a great mom so far. Although I have not covered all the diagnostics and treatment options available, the more involved cases don’t have a simple answer. For health-related questions, always consult your veterinarian, as they have examined your pet, know the pet's health history, and can make the best recommendations for your pet. Brooks, Wendy, DVM, DipABVP. Have you had this kitten home for at least 1 week, and is the sneezing getting worse or better? Some cats and kittens do have allergies. Often, the cat flu is brought on by a viral or bacterial infection. Is the kitten's area dusty? This may require sedation, nasal flushing and/or endoscopy to do this. The Calicivirus also can cause a transient shifting leg arthritis.If I see a cat that is lame in one leg and then a few days later is lame in a different leg … “Treatment of Infectious Upper Respiratory Tract Disease: An Evidence-Based Approach.” American Association of Feline Practitioners. Newborn kitten not nursing or eat from bottle. Many of these sick kittens are better within 1 week. Constant sneezing, especially when accompanied by other symptoms such as lethargy, lack of appetite, eye or nasal discharge, diarrhea, coughing, or breathing difficulties, could well be a sign of a viral, bacterial, or fungal upper respiratory infection. Certain environments will cause a kitten to sneeze, and some people may not be aware of the irritants in their environment: Call your veterinarian and report and describe any kitten sneezing. Mold, dust, perfumes, smoke, pesticides and cleaning supplies can all trigger sneezing. We now have to look into reasons why this typical sneezing kitten is not so typical. Of course, newborns can also simply get sick. All eyes are clear and white, and there are no ulcers in their mouths or eyes. Believe it or not, excitement in a cat can even cause them to sneeze. All kittens are lively, eating and drinking well. People often think a sneezing kitten has allergies since sneezing in humans is so often caused by allergies, and so they anthropomorphize. There is no snot with it … Your baby will sneeze simply as part of the normal way they keep their breathing passages open. Sneezing kitten. Aug 31, 2014 #2 StefanZ Advisor. If … newborn kitten sneezing. Should we do other X-rays of the head and neck? Sneezing can be accompanied by a cough or conjunctivitis, and can lead to deeper infections including pneumonia. Jun 26, 2009 #1 My little boy arrived home to me on the 7th of this month and I noticed a small sneeze. Cat sneezing in conjunction with other signs is common but doesn’t always help us narrow down the cause. should he be separated? I meet Calamity Jane, and she seems like a healthy happy kitten who is running up my arm and bouncing off the rafters. + Click to see the sources for this article. Cat sneezing along with wheezing can suggest concurrent lower respiratory disease. Homes with many cats and urine smells and dirty litter boxes abounding, Kittens housed in garages or outbuildings with building debris or all those noxious smells in a garage. Does the sneezing take it out of them, or do they run around like a maniac once the sneezing is done? Here’s how to assess things so you can go see your vet with the details. Common Questions and Answers about Sneezing in newborn kittens. Symptoms can be very similar, although the feline herpes virus is more likely to cause ulcers on the eye, while the calicivirus causes ulcers on the tongue. There could be an object lodged in the eye, it could be allergies, or an infection. (One of my all-time favorites is “snot rockets.”). Sneezing and sniffling doesn't necessarily mean your kitten is ill, though it is cause for concern. Like people, many cats can develop the sneezing, runny nose, and general lethargy of an upper-respiratory-tract infection. There are a few easy changes you can make: Keep an eye on your kitten for a few days. If she is sneezing, coughing, has nasal discharge, fevers or conjunctivitis (i.e. Check Now: Blue Buffalo • Science Diet • Purina • Wellness • 4health • Canine Carry Outs • Friskies • Taste of the Wild • See 200+ more brands…. This kitten could have been unhealthy from day 1, have a number of upper respiratory infections, or be suffering from a less common problem such as an inflammatory polyp affecting the nasal cavity. Teeth Infections and Tumors. If you think your kitten has an allergy, chances are it's reacting to something in the air. A. Photos and videos of sneezing kittens are always appreciated. If your cat is doing more than just an occasional sneeze, it is important to have them checked out by the vet. The two viruses responsible for the cat flu virus are: Feline Calicivirus (FCV) Pronounced 'kal-ee-chee'. They often result in sneezing, discharge from the eyes and nose, drooling, congestion, fever and poor appetite. These upper respiratory ailments are similar to the human common cold. I encourage testing this kitty for the all-important FeLV and FIV, and I might do more blood work if the parents can afford it. Most kittens recover from sneezing, often with the help of some minor veterinary supportive care and medications. symptoms of an upper respiratory infection. If your kitten has more than just a mild sneeze, possibilities include allergies, foreign objects stuck in nose or upper respiratory diseases. Do you have any other cats, and are they sneezing, too? Senior Lairian. There are, however, several dangerous strains of calicivirus that may affect your cat, so it's important to have your pet checked and treated for any symptoms. All information you can bring to your vet really helps with a diagnosis. Two viruses, feline herpesvirus and calcivirus, are responsible for the majority of these. However, kittens, elderly pets, and those with other health problems are at risk of developing pneumonia or bacterial infection. I ask if the shelter tested for the important retroviral diseases of feline leukemia (FeLV) and feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), and the new mom says, “Yes, Calamity tested negative for those diseases.” Good news. Foreign objects can be stuck in your pet's nose without you knowing. You can work to reduce potential allergens in your home, especially in areas where the kitten spends a lot of time, but if your cat's sneezing is more than mild, it's important to visit the vet. Unfortunately, we veterinarians don’t have a magic “kitten-sneezing ball” to tell you why your kitten is sneezing. Respiratory infections That is one of the most common complaints of people with new kittens. Whether the little muffin has been adopted from a shelter, purchased from a breeder, or found and rescued as a feral kitten on the street, kittens often develop a sneeze. Keep the environment at a constant temperature to avoid hypothermia or hyperthermia. Otherwise, you might give your cat a couple of days and see if her condition improves. If you have questions or concerns, call your vet, who is best equipped to ensure the health and well-being of your pet. She may prescribe anti-viral treatment, nasal decongestant or antibiotics, depending on what's causing the sneezing. These are not very likely in a young kitten. This virus is highly contagious between cats. If you notice your kitten sneezing now and then, there's a good chance that it's just reacting to some dust or fur that's tickled its nose. Newborn kitten sneezing? Upper respiratory infections in cats are often highly contagious and passed back and forth between cat's easily. A humidifier near where the cat sleeps may also help with minor breathing issues. Joined May 22, 2009 Messages 306 Points 88. Feline calicivirus. Is it a sneeze with gross stuff that comes out? It can be a natural response to irritants in the air or nasal passage. Make sure you are not waiting for this problem to simply get worse — please don’t let a mild sneeze develop into a serious problem. 2017. “Upper Respiratory Infection in Cats.” VIN. Is it 5–6 times a day? (These are expensive and results are, at best, not so reliable.). The most likely cause for sneezing and eye discharge is a viral upper respiratory infection (URI). What were they treated with? Just like us, sneezing in cats is natural and nothing but a rush of air being released through the nose or mouth. Characterized by sneezing, runny eyes, runny nose, lack of appetite, and lethargy, upper respiratory infections are extremely contagious and easily passed from one kitten to another. Today, he started sneezing a little. We might do some supportive care in the hospital (like administering some fluids) and send the kitty home on oral antibiotics and some eye ointment. Cats catch herpes from exposure to other cats who are infected. 2. Well, it all worked because by that night the kitten was eating voraciously again and had his energy back. If it shows any other symptoms of an upper respiratory infection, such as watery eyes, sniffling or coughing, or if it continues sneezing after you've eliminated environmental problems, you should take it to the vet sooner rather than later. Sneezing milk thru nose when I try to bottle feed. Think of the animated cat that sneezes when he inhales a bit of pepper. Did you think the sneeze was improving but now it’s back? Often times it's something that can be dealt with at home, but sometimes an issue can be serious, and when you're dealing with something as helpless as a kitten, it pays to know what youre looking for, and what each symptom might mean. One of the main causes of a cat wheezing and sneezing is allergies. Upper respiratory viruses are the most common cause of kitten sneezing. This kitty needs more help. If your kitten runs into the litter box and starts sneezing, or sticks their nose into a plant or comes out from under the bed with dust bunnies hanging from their ears and face, those irritants might make them sneeze. Do we try adding an antiviral drug into the mix? Litster, Annette, BVSc, PhD. “Antimicrobial Guidelines for Treatment of Respiratory Tract Disease in Dogs and Cats.”. We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. If the symptoms are more than mild or if your kitten sneezes blood, take it to the vet as soon as possible. So, if your cats fall in any of these categories, you should take them to the veterinarian when they catch colds. By continuing to use this site you consent to the use of cookies on your device as described in our cookie policy unless you have disabled them. will this clear by itself? But does your kitten continue sneezing once the irritant has been removed? But kittens do not often sneeze from true allergies. Your cold and your kitten’s sneezing can be self-limiting — meaning the kitten will sneeze for several days and then it will go away, like a simple cold — or the sneeze can hang on and develop into a more serious infection. › pet-health › why-my-kitten-keep-sneezing Are we allowed to do full blood work on the kitten to make sure they are otherwise healthy? Isnt getting any - Answered by a verified Cat Veterinarian. Understanding and Preventing Fading Kitten Syndrome, How to Prepare Your Kitten for Its First Vet Visit, How to Identify and Treat Upper Respiratory Infections in Cats, How to Spot and Treat Leptospirosis in Cats, Postnatal Care of a Mother Cat and Her Newborn Kittens. A vet can check for and safely remove foreign objects. discharge or cloudiness around the eyes), it's probably an upper respiratory infection. Remember that kittens' noses are just inches from the floor, so if your floor is dusty, you may notice a fair amount of sneezing. But the sneezing has been continuing. Are there other symptoms besides the sneeze such as runny eyes, a cough. If there is pus coming out of a kitten's eyes it is an infection- … How many times a day does the kitten sneeze? The cat flu is a general term that describes cold / flu symptoms in cats. ; Body temperature – Newborn kittens are unable to regulate their body temperatures and rely on mum to keep warm. We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. Excessive or moderate and severe sneezing, should always be checked out by a veterinarian. This article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Kitten upper respiratory symptoms are analogous to the human cold, but your kitten is infectious only to other cats and kittens, not to you. Before receiving their first set of vaccinations, my vet checked them over. See,, Can we take chest X-rays to make sure there is no pneumonia? If your kitten’s sneezing won’t go away, it might be a sign of something serious. Although the outward signs of a feline upper-respiratory-tract infection resemble the signs of a human cold most of the organisms that infect a cat’s nose and throat have no effect on people. Teeth – Kittens are born without teeth. But most sneezy furballs have contracted a kitten cold. Joined Oct 11, 2013 Messages 23 Reaction score 12. one of my 10 day old kittens is sneezing will he harm the others? Depending on your kitty's lifestyle (i.e., indoor or outdoor) and their typical behavior, it can sometimes be tough to deciph… However, in combination with other symptoms, it might point to a cold or infection. 2 of my 1 week old kittens are sneezing, it just started today - Answered by a verified Cat Veterinarian We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. One fairly common and highly contagious disease that can cause sneezing and breathing issues is feline calicivirus. If you see these symptoms, you may have a kitten with an illness such as feline herpes or feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV). Before ringing the alarm bells, check the environment. Bacteria like. Dr. Monica Tarantino is a small animal veterinarian based in the Charlotte, NC area with five years of general practitioner experience. Franny is an award-winning freelance writer who has been writing about cats since 1997. Thread starter pauli466; Start Date Aug 31, 2014; Aug 31, 2014 #1 pauli466 TCS Member Thread starter. The good news is that there are many minor reasons for a mildly sneezing kitten. So if you bring a new cat home with signs of an upper respiratory infection or other illness, it is important to prevent them from socializing with the healthier kittens until the vet has cleared them and their signs have resolved. If you can do a “cause and effect” trial and figure out that the kitten sneezes only when in certain environments, then remove the noxious stimuli. They may sneeze in reaction to a noxious stimulant such as dusty litter or something in the environment, but true allergic disease in cats does not generally develop until they are older. Sneezing isn’t always just a normal sign of a healthy newborn. The description of the sneeze is important and helps your vet. A simple tickle in the cat’s nose, such as a bit of dust or a mild chemical irritant, can cause a reflexive sneeze. Here’s how to assess your sneezing kitten at home so you can call and see your vet with the details…. Long story short, our foster cat had five kittens two days ago. In this case, the poor little kitten is sneezing in the room, his eyes have gook in them, and he wants to run around but has lost that “Hi, I’m an insane kitty and want to run around until I drop” look in his eyes. By the third week, you can tell if the kittens are boys or girls. Just like people, kittens and cats sneeze for a variety of reasons. Obviously, these kitties who have more than a little “achoo” once in a while need veterinary care, and we are no longer talking about a simple case of kitten sneezing. Is it a sneeze with no production, meaning you don’t get any or little spray on your arm? These polyps can hide in a variety of places and be difficult to diagnose. That said, for newborn babies, sneezing can actually be more than just sneezing. You cannot, however, give your kitten a cold or vice versa. Does it leave them in some kind of distress? I have a new born kitten 11 days old that is sneezing and when she sneezes, a little clear drainage from her left - Answered by a verified Pet Specialist. Sneezing by cats is often referred to as the cat flu. Sometimes it's a Cold Yes, your kitten can catch a cold. If you suspect your pet is sick, call your vet immediately. If you've rescued a kitten that has discharge from the nose and/or eyes, and you're hearing frequent sneezing or other respiratory noises, chances are they've got a URI. If your kitten is sneezing, you may worry that something is seriously wrong. These commonly affect kittens and are usually caused by a virus: the herpes virus, the calici virus or both. How long has this sneezing been going on, and what is its progression? An occasional sneeze isn't a symptom of a serious problem, but constant sneezing (especially when accompanied by nasal discharge and lethargy or lack of appetite) could be a sign of an illness. However, the fact the kitten is sneezing is of concern, as the kitten may have caught a disease such as cat flu or some other upper respiratory infection. So much that goes into treating kittens has to do with the severity and longevity and description of the sneezing. If a cat is coughing and sneezing, it typically means that it’s primarily an upper respiratory process with postnasal drip irritating the throat. I promise I'll make a thread soon with pics and stuff but I just started a new nursing clinical rotation and I'm soooo tired and busy! This kind of sneezing is not unlike scratching a tickle or an itch. Maybe I hear 1 sneeze in 15 minutes. Lappin, Michael R., DVM, PhD, DACVIM, et al. I thought he might just be adjusting to his surroundings and new smells. The occasional sneeze from your kitty, dog or baby is no real concern. Young Cat. Sneezing in newborn kittens. Should we send out an upper respiratory blood panel? Viral infections that most commonly cause sneezing in cats are: Feline herpes virus. Find out from the shelter or breeder if the kitten was sneezing before adoption and if the kitten was treated. If the kitten is negative, thank goodness. Is it time to anesthetize the kitten and look for one of those pesky inflammatory polyps hiding somewhere in the retropharyngeal region? Can bring to your vet, who is best equipped to ensure health!, if your kitten is sneezing, discharge from the shelter or if. Animal veterinarian based in the retropharyngeal region is brought on by a virus: the herpes virus that. Have any other cats, and those with other symptoms newborn kitten sneezing the sneeze as. That can cause sneezing in conjunction with other symptoms, you might give your kitten is will! Getting worse or better common and highly contagious disease that can cause sneezing in cats take to! The details most sneezy furballs have contracted a kitten 's eyes it is important helps. 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