function JSFX_FloatTopDiv() You can perfect your Bible words pronunciation and know how to say most of them correctly. How the audio sounds are organized plays a greater role in communication than the sounds themselves. The name's etymon may be Egyptian š3sw, which originally meant "those who move on foot". or "What's the pronunciation of ..." So, if you would like to hear audio of the biblical words pronounced, and you have know how to pronounce them, just click the links. YAW or YAH (listen)] * [ Jahaziel - Ja•ha•zi'el - 2 Chronicles 20:14 (h3166) - jay'hay-ZI -uhl, juh'huh-ZI -uhl] * [ Jahveh*] * [ (compare Jahweh, Yahveh, Yahweh) - — - w57 4/15 230 - YAH-veh, -vay (listen), not JAH-] * [ Jahweh*] * [ (compare Jahveh, Yahveh, Yahweh) - — - w80 2/1 6 - YAH-weh, -way (listen), not JAH-] * [ Jain* - — - sh 104 - JI N] * [ Jainism* - — - sh 104 - JI -niz(')-uhm] * [ Jair - Ja'ir - Judges 10:3 (h2971) - JAY-uhr] * [ Jairus - Ja'i•rus - Mark 5:22 (g2383) - JAY-ih-ruhs, JAY-uh-ruhs] * [ Jambres - Jam'bres - 2 Timothy 3:8 (g2387) - JAM-breez, -briz] * [ James - James (Bible book) - James 1:1 (g2385) - JAYMZ] * [ Jannes - Jan'nes - 2 Timothy 3:8 (g2389) - JAN-eez, -iz] * [ Janus* - — - rs 180 - JAY-nuhs, not JAN-uhs] * [ Japheth - Ja'pheth - Genesis 5:32 (h3315) - JAY-fith, JAY-feth, not JAY-pith] * [ Jared - Ja'red - Genesis 5:15 (h3382) - JAY-red] * [ Jason - Ja'son - Acts 17:5 (g2394) - JAY-suhn] * [ Javan - Ja'van - Genesis 10:2 (h3120) - JAY-vuhn, JAY-van] * [ javelin] * [ (shield, spear, sword in some Bibles) - javelin - Joshua 8:18 (h3591) - JAV-lin, -luhn, JAV-uh-lin, -luhn] * [ Jebus - Je'bus - Judges 19:10 (h2982) - JEE-buhs] * [ Jebusite - Jeb'u•site - Genesis 10:16 (h2983) - JEB-yoo-si t('), -yuh-, -zi t] * [ Jeconiah - Jec•o•ni'ah - Esther 2:6 (h3204) - jek'uh-NI -uh] * [ Jedaiah - Je•da'iah - Zechariah 6:14 (h3048) - jih-DAY-yuh, juh-DAY-uh] * [ Jedidah - Je•di'dah - 2 Kings 22:1 (h3040) - juh-DI-duh, jih-] * [ Jedidiah] * [ (aka Solomon) - Jed•i•di'ah - 2 Samuel 12:25 (h3041) - jed'uh-DI -uh] * [ Jeduthun - Je•du'thun - 2 Chronicles 5:12 (h3038) - juh-DYOO-thuhn, jih-] * [ Jegar-sahadutha - Je'gar-sa•ha•du'tha - Genesis 31:47 (h3026) - jee'guhr-say-huh-DOO-thuh, JEE-gahr-say'huh-DYOO-thuh, -DYOO-thuh] * [ Jehoahaz - Je•ho'a•haz - 2 Kings 10:35 (h3059) - juh-HOH-uh-haz, jih-, jee-] * [ Jehoash] * [ (Joas, Joash in some Bibles) - Je•ho'ash - 2 Kings 11:2 (h3101) - juh-HOH-ash, jih-, jee-] * [ Jehoiachin - Je•hoi'a•chin - 2 Kings 24:6 (h3078) - juh-HOI-uh-kin, jih-, jee-, not -HOH-, not -chin] * [ Jehoiada - Je•hoi'a•da - 2 Chronicles 22:11 (h3077) - juh-HOI-uh-duh, jih-] * [ Jehoiakim - Je•hoi'a•kim - 2 Kings 23:34 (h3079) - juh-HOI-uh-kim, jih-] * [ Jehonadab] * [ (Jonadab in many Bibles) - Je•hon'a•dab - Jeremiah 35:8 (h3082) - jih-HON-uh-dab, not jih-HOH-nuh-dab] * [ Jehonathan] * [ (Jonathan in many Bibles) - Je•hon'a•than - Jeremiah 37:15 (h3083) - jih-HON-uh-thuhn] * [ Jehoram - Je•ho'ram - 1 Kings 22:50 (h3088) - juh-HOR-uhm, jih- jee-] * [ Jehoshabeath] * [ (aka Jehosheba) - Je•ho•shab'e•ath - 2 Chronicles 22:11 (h3090) - jee'hoh-SHAB-ee-ath] * [ Jehoshaphat - Je•hosh'a•phat - 1 Kings 15:24 (h3092) - juh-HOSH-uh-fat, jih- not -HOH-shuh-] * [ Jehosheba] * [ (aka Jehoshabeath) - Je•hosh'e•ba - 2 Kings 11:2 (h3089) - juh-HOSH-uh-buh, jih-, -ee-buh, -ih-buh] * [ Jehoshua] * [ (aka Joshua) - Je•hosh'u•a - Numbers 13:16 (h3091) - jih-HOSH-yoo-uh] * [ Jehovah - Jehovah, it Je•ho'vah - Genesis 2:4 (h3068) - jih-HOH-vuh (listen), juh-, not jee-HOH-ver] * [ Jehovah-jireh - Je•ho'vah-ji'reh - Genesis 22:14 (h3070) - juh-HOH-vuh-JI -ruh, juh-HOH-vuh-JI -ree] * [ Jehovah-nissi - Je•ho'vah-nis'si - Exodus 17:15 (h3071) - juh-HOH-vuh-NIS-i , jih-, not -NIS-ee] * [ Jehovah-shalom - Je•ho'vah-sha'lom - Judges 6:24 (h3073) - juh-HOH-vuh-SHAY-lom, jih-, not -shah-LOHM] * [ Jehozadak] * [ (aka Jozadak) - Je•hoz'a•dak - Ezra 3:2 (h3136) - juh-HOZ-uh-dak,jih-] * [ Jehu - Je'hu - 1 Kings 16:1 (h3058) - JEE-hyoo, often JEE-hoo, not JAY-hyoo, -hoo] * [ Jehudi - Je•hu'di - Jeremiah 36:21 (h3065) - juh-HOO-di , jih-HYOO-, jee-] * [ Jemimah] * [ (also Jemima) - Je•mi'mah - Job 42:14 (h3224) - juh-MI -muh, jih-, jee-] * [ Jephthah - Jeph'thah - Judges 11:1 (h3316) - JEF-thuh, not JEP-thuh] * [ Jephunneh - Je•phun'neh - Numbers 13:6 (h3312) - juh-FUHN-uh, jih- not -FOON-] * [ jerboa] * [ (field-mouse, mice, mouse, rat in some Bibles) - jerboa - Leviticus 11:29 (h5909) - juhr-BOH-uh] * [ Jeremiah - Jeremiah (Bible book), it Jer•e•mi'ah - Jeremiah 1:1 (h3414) - jer'uh-MI -uh] * [ Jericho - Jer'i•cho - Joshua 2:1 (h3405) - JER-uh-koh] * [ Jeroboam - Jer•o•bo'am - 1 Kings 11:40 (h3379) - jer'uh-BOH-uhm] * [ Jerome* - — - it "Versions" - juh-ROHM] * [ Jerubbaal] * [ (aka Gideon) - Jer•ub•ba'al - Judges 6:32 (h3378) - jih'ruhb-BAY-uhl, jee-ruh-, jer'uh-BAY-uhl, -BAYL, jer-uhb-BAYL] * [ Jerusalem - Jerusalem, it Je•ru'sa•lem - Joshua 10:1 (h3389) - juh-ROO-suh-luhm, jih-, -zuh-] * [ Jerusha - Je•ru'sha - 2 Kings 15:33 (h3388) - jih-ROO-shah] * [ Jeshimon - Je•shi'mon - Numbers 23:28 (h3452) - juh-SHI -mon, jih-] * [ Jeshurun - Jesh'u•run - Deuteronomy 32:15 (h3484) - JESH-yoo-ruhn, JESH-uh-ruhn] * [ Jesse - Jes'se - Ruth 4:17 (h3448) - JES-ee] * [ Jesus - Jesus, it Je'sus - Matthew 1:1 (g2424) - JEE-zuhs, -zuhz] * [ Jesus ben-Sirach* - — - it "Apocrypha" - jee'zuhs ben-SI -ruhk] * [ Jether - Je'ther - Judges 8:20 (h3500) - JEE-thuhr] * [ Jethro - Jeth'ro - Exodus 3:1 (h3503) - JETH-roh] * [ Jew - Jew - Esther 2:5 (h3064) - JOO] * [ Jewess - Jewess - Acts 24:24 (g2453) - JOO-es, -is, -uhs (sometimes offensive)] * [ Jewish - Jewish - Nehemiah 5:1 (h3064) - JOO-ish] * [ Jewry] * [ (Judah or Judea in most Bibles) - ("Judah" in Daniel 5:13 NW; "Judea" in Luke 23:5 NW) - Daniel 5:13 KJ (h3061); Luke 23:5 KJ (g2449) - JOO-ree] * [ Jezebel - Jez'e•bel - 1 Kings 16:31 (h348) - JEH-zuh-bel', JEZ-uh-bel(')] * [ Jezreel - Jez're•el - Hosea 1:4 (h3157) - JEZ-ree-uhl, -el', -rih-el] * [ jinn*] * [ (also djinn or djin) - — - it "Goat-shaped Demon" - JIN] * [ jinni*] * [ (also djinni) - — - w52 5/1 278 - JEEN-ee, JIN-ee, juh-NEE] * [ Joab - Jo'ab - 2 Samuel 3:29 (h3097) - JOH-ab] * [ Joah - Jo'ah - Isaiah 36:3 (h3098) - JOH-uh] * [ Joahaz - Jo'a•haz - 2 Chronicles 34:8 (h3099) - JOH-uh-haz, JOH-a-haz] * [ Joakim - ("Jehoiakim" in NW) - Daniel 1:1 DRB (h3079) - JOH-uh-kim] * [ Joanna - Jo•an'na - Luke 8:3 (g2489) - joh-AN-uh] * [ Joash - Jo'ash - Hosea 1:1 (h3101) - JOH-ash] * [ Job - Job (Bible book) - Job 1:1 (h347) - JOHB, not JAHB] * [ Jobab - Jo'bab - Genesis 10:29 (h3103) - JOH-bab] * [ Jochebed - Joch'e•bed - Exodus 6:20 (h3115) - JOK-uh-bed('), -ee-bed] * [ Joel - Joel (Bible book), it Jo'el - Joel 1:1 (h3100) - JOH-uhl] * [ Johanan - Jo•ha'nan - Jeremiah 43:2 (h3110) - joh-HAY-nuhn] * [ Johannine* - — - w93 10/15 28 - joh-HAN-i n', -in] * [ John - John (Bible books) - Matthew 4:21 (g2491) - JON] * [ Joiada - Joi'a•da - Nehemiah 13:28 (h3111) - JOI-uh-duh, JOI-a-duh not JOH-] * [ Jonadab] * [ (compare Jehonadab) - Jon'a•dab - Jeremiah 35:6 (h3122) - JON-uh-dab] * [ Jonah - Jo'nah (Bible book) - Jonah 1:1 (h3124) - JOH-nuh] * [ Jonas - ("Jonah" in NW) - Jonah 1:1 DRB (h3124) - JOH-nuhs] * [ Jonathan - Jon'a•than - 2 Samuel 1:4 (h3083) - JON-uh-thuhn] * [ Jonath-elem-rechokim] * [ (A Silent Dove in the Distance, Concerning the silent dove, On the Dumb Dove far off, Silent Dove in Distant Lands in some Bibles) - ("Silent Dove among those far away" in NW) - Psalm 56 superscription KJ (h3128) - joh'nuth-ee'luhm-rih-KOH-kim] * [ Joppa - Jop'pa - Ezra 3:7 (h3305); Acts 9:36 (g2445) - JOP-uh, JOP-ah] * [ Jordan - Jordan, it Jor'dan - Genesis 13:10 (h3383); Matthew 3:5 (g2446) - JOR-duhn, JAWR-dn, JORD-uhn, not JER-duhn] * [ Joseph - Joseph, it Jo'seph - Genesis 30:24 (h3130); Matthew 1:16 (g2501) - JOH-sif, JOH-sef, -suhf, -zuhf] * [ Josephus* - — - it "Chronology" - joh-SEE-fuhs] * [ Joshua] * [ (aka Jehoshua) - Joshua (Bible book), it Josh'u•a - Joshua 1:1 (h3091) - JOSH-yoo-uh, -oo-, JAH-sh(uh-)wuh] * [ Josiah - Jo•si'ah - 1 Kings 13:2 (h2977) - joh-SI -uh] * [ Josue - ("Joshua" in NW) - Joshua 1:1 DRB (h3091) - JOS-yoo-ee, jos-OO-ee] * [ Jotham - Jo'tham - 2 Kings 15:32 (h3147) - JOH-thuhm] * [ Jovian* - — - g92 9/8 6 - JOH-vee-uhn] * [ Jozadak] * [ (aka Jehozadak) - Jo'za•dak - Nehemiah 12:26 (h3136) - JOH-zuh-dak] * [ Jubal - Ju'bal - Genesis 4:21 (h3106) - JOO-buhl, JOO-bal] * [ Jubilee - Jubilee - Leviticus 25:10 (h3104) - JOO-buh-lee('), joo-buh-LEE] * [ Judaic* - — - w95 3/1 23 - joo-DAY-ik] * [ Judaism - Ju'da•ism - Galatians 1:13 (g2454) - JOO-duh-iz'uhm, JOO-dee-, JOO-day(')-] * [ Judaize* - — - w93 2/15 28 - JOO-duh-i z('), JOO-dee-, JOO-day(')-] * [ Judas - Judas, it Ju'das - Matthew 13:55 (g2455) - JOO-duhs] * [ Jude - Jude (Bible book) - Jude 1 (g2455) - JOOD] * [ Judea] * [ (also Judaea) - Ju•de'a - Matthew 2:1 (g2449) - joo-DEE-uh] * [ Judean] * [ (also Judaean) - Ju•de'an - John 3:22 (g2449) - joo-DEE-uhn] * [ judge - judge - Genesis 16:5 (h8199) - JUJ, JUHJ] * [ Judges, judges - Judges (Bible book), judges - Judges 2:16 (h8199) - JUHJ-iz] * [ judgment - judgment - Leviticus 19:15 (h4941); Matthew 7:2 (g2917) - JUHJ-ment, often -muhnt] * [ judicial - judicial - Exodus 21:1 (h4941) - joo-DISH-uhl,- DIH-shuhl] * [ Judith - Ju'dith - Genesis 26:34 (h3067) - JOO-dith] * [ Julia - Julia, it Ju'li•a - Romans 16:15 (g2456) - JOO-lee-uh, often JUHL-yuh] * [ Julian* - — - it "Calendar (Julian and Gregorian Calendars)" - JOOL-yuhn] * [ Julius - Julius, it Ju'li•us - Acts 27:1 (g2457) - JOO-lee-uhs, often JOOL-yuhs] * [ Junias] * [ (Junia in some Bibles) - Ju'ni•as - Romans 16:7 (g2458) - JOO-nee-uhs] * [ Jupiter] * [ (Zeus in some Bibles) - ("Zeus" in NW) - Acts 14:12 KJ (g2203) - JOO-puh-tuhr] * [ jurisdictional - jurisdictional - Esther 1:1 (h4082) - juhr'uhs-DIK-shnuhl, -shuh-nuhl] * [ justification - justification - Romans 5:18 (g1347) - juhs'tuh-fuh-KAY-shuhn, -fih-] * [ Justinian* - — - g94 5/15 8 - juh-STIH-nee-uhn] * [ Justin Martyr* - — - w92 3/15 28 - JUS-tin MAHR-tuhr] * [ Justus - Justus - Acts 1:23 (g2459) - JUHS-tuhs] * [ Juvenal* - — - w96 12/15 6 - JOO-vuh-nuhl, JOO-vuh-nl] *. Bible Pronunciation--How do I pronounce H words in the Bible? Merneptah defeated them, and, in Egyptian style, extols his victories. [15][16] Scholars point out that Egyptian scribes tended to bundle up "rather disparate groups of people within a single artificially unifying rubric. There are basically three ways: practice, practice and practice! Shad•dai'; "God Almighty" in NW) - Genesis 35:11 By, JPS (h410 + h7706) - el shah-DI , also SHAD-i] * [ Shadrach - Sha'drach - Daniel 1:7 (h7714) - SHAD-rak, SHAY-drak, not SHAD-rak in NW] * [ Shakti* - — - sh 121 - SHAHK-tee] * [ Shallum - Shal'lum— - 2 Kings 15:10 (h7967) - SHAL-uhm] * [ Shalmaneser - Shal•man•e'ser - 2 Kings 17:3 (h8022) - shal'muh-NEE-zuhr, shal'muhn-EE-zuhr] * [ shalom] * [ (also shalohm') - ("peace" in NW) - Genesis 15:15 HNV (h7965); Matthew 10:13 HNV (g1515) - shah-LOHM (listen)] * [ Shalom aleichem* - — - w84 8/15 19 - shaw'luhm uh-LAY-khuhm (listen), -kuhm, shah-LOHM ah-lay-KHEM, Seph. Heb. Speakers need to develop a concern for Bible pronunciation of biblical words. if(d.layers); - ah'nuh-mah'tuh-PEE-uh] * [ ontology* - — - w63 1/15 56 - ahn-TAH-luh-jee] * [ onycha - onycha, it on'y•cha - Exodus 30:34 (h7827) - ON-ih-kuh] * [ onyx - onyx - Genesis 2:12 (h7718) - AH-niks, ON-iks] * [ Ophel] * [ (fortresses, forts, hill, mounds in some Bibles) - O'phel - Isaiah 32:14 (h6076) - OH-fel] * [ Ophir - O'phir - 1 Kings 10:11 (h211) - OH-fuhr, OH-fihr] * [ Ophrah] * [ (Ephra in DRB, Vulgate) - Oph'rah - Judges 6:24 (h6084) - OF-ruh, AWF-rah] * [ oracle] * [ (holiness, holy place, holy temple, inner room, inner sanctum, Most Holy Place, Temple in some Bibles) - ("innermost room" in NW) - Psalms 28:2 AS, KJ (h1687) - OR-uh-kuhl, AHR-] * [ oracular* - — - it "Christian" - or-AK-yuh-luhr, uh-] * [ Origen* - — - it "Canon" - OR-uh-juhn, AHR-] * [ Orion] * [ (Kesil in some Bibles) - ("Kesil" in NW) - Job 9:9 AS, DRB, KJ (h3685) - oh-RI -uhn] * [ Ornan] * [ (aka Araunah) - Or'nan - 1 Chronicles 21:18 (h771) - OR-nan, OR-nuhn] * [ Orontes* - — - it "Lebanon" - or-ON-teez] * [ Orpah - Or'pah - Ruth 1:4 (h6204) - OR-puh, not OHP-ruh] * [ orthodox*; orthodoxy* - — - w93 7/1 10 - OR-thuh-doks, -dahks'; -dok'see] * [ oryx] * [ (antelope, wild goat, wild ox in some Bibles) - ("wild sheep" in NW) - Deuteronomy 14:5 Da (h8377) - OHR-iks, AWR-, AHR-] * [ Osee - ("Hosea" in NW) - Hosea 1:1 DRB (h1954) - OH-see] * [ Osiris* - — - it "Gods and Goddesses" - oh-SI -ruhs] * [ ossifrage] * [ (black vulture, gier-eagle, griffon, vulture in some Bibles) - ("osprey" in NW) - Leviticus 11:13 KJ, Yg (h6538) - OS-uh-frij, AH-suh-frij, AH-suh-frayj'] * [ ossuary* - — - w97 6/15 13 - OSH-oo-er'ee, OS-yoo-ER-ee, AH-shuh-wer'ee, -syuh-, -suh-] * [ ostracism] * [ (trouble in some Bibles) - ostracism - Genesis 34:30 (h5916) - OS-truh-siz'uhm, AHS-] * [ ostracon*] * [ (pl. We don’t say get off, we say ge –toff. par-oo-SEE-ah (listen)] * [ Parthia; Parthian - —; Par'thi•ans - Acts 2:9 CEV, TEV (g3934); Acts 2:9 (g3934) - PAHR-thee-uh; PAHR-thee-uhn(z)] * [ Pasach - Pa'sach - 1 Chronicles 7:33 (h6457) - PAY-sak] * [ Pasargadae* - — - dp 151 - puh-SAHR-guh-dee'] * [ Pasch; Pascha* - — - Ezekiel 45:21 DRB (h6453) and Hebrews 11:28 DRB (g3957); w94 3/15 5 - PASK; PAHS-kuh] * [ paschal* - — - w90 2/15 12 - PAS-kuhl] * [ Pashhur - Pash'hur - Jeremiah 20:1 (h6583) - PASH-huhr] * [ Pashur] * [ (aka Pashhur) - ("Pashhur" in NW) - Jeremiah 20:1 KJ (h6583) - PASH-uhr] * [ Patara - Pat'a•ra - Acts 21:1 (g3959) - PAT-uh-ruh] * [ Pathros - Path'ros - Isaiah 11:11 (h6624) - PATH-ros, not PATH-ruhs] * [ Patmos - Pat'mos - Revelation 1:9 (g3963) - PAT-muhs] * [ patriarch - ("family head" in NW) - Hebrews 7:4 AS, DRB, KJ (and others) (g3966) - PAY-tree-ahrk'] * [ patriarchal* - — - w95 9/15 20 - pay'tree-AHR-kuhl] * [ patristic* - — - Daniel 9:2 ftn. OH-meg-ah (listen)] * [ omer - omer, it o'mer - Exodus 16:16 (h6016) - OH-muhr, Seph. else{ Brown. } We don’t say dog; we say DAW ug (but there is not break in the vowel sound.) A lot of meaning is carried by intonation. el.y -= startY; In addition, they are more likely to have improved phonetic spelling skills, and improved abilities how to pronounce and correctly sound out new words they read. Example: “Dog“ sounds a little like DAW- uhg, Gabbatha GAB-uh-thuh, Gabriel GAY-bree-ul, Gadarene GAD-uh-reen, Gaius GAY-yuhs, Galatan GAL-uh-tuhn, Galatia guh-LAY-shih-uh, Galileans gal-ih-LEE-uhnz, Galilee GAL-ih-lee, Gallio GAL-ih-o, Gamaliel guh-MAY-lih-ehl, Gath GATH, Gaza GAH-zuh, Gehazi gee-HAY-zai, Gehenna geh-HEHN-uh, Genesis gehn-NEHS-uh-reht, Gennesaret gehn-NEHS-uh-reht, Gentiles DZHEHN-tailz, Gera DZHEE-ruh, Gerasenes DZHEHR-uh-seenz, Gerizim dzheh-RAI-sihm, Gethesemani gehth-SEHM-uh-nee, Gibeon GIHB-ee-uhn, Gideon GIHD-ee-uhn, Gilead GIHL-ee-uhd, Gilgal GIHL-gal, Girgashites GER-guh-shaits, God gahd, Golgotha GAHL-guh-thuh, Goliath go-LAI-uhth, Gomorrah guh-MAWR-uh, Gonzaga guhn-ZAH-guh, Goshen GO-shuhn, Gozan GO-zan. [12], Objections exist to this proposed link between the Israelites and the Shasu, given that the group in the Merneptah reliefs identified with the Israelites are not described or depicted as Shasu (see Merneptah Stele § Karnak reliefs). As I have tried to show here, the scope of bible pronunciation is much broader than an inventory and description of sounds. Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce T words in the Bible: [ Tabeel] * [ Tabeal (in some Bibles) - Tab'e•el - Ezra 4:7 (h2870) - TAB-ee-uhl, TAB-ee-el] * [ Taberah - Tab'e•rah - Numbers 11:3 (h8404) - TAB-uh-ruh, TAB-uh-rah] * [ tabernacle] * [ (as verb, dwell, live in some Bibles; as noun, tent in some Bibles) - tabernacle - Exodus 25:8, 9 (verb h7931; noun h4908) - TAB-uhr-nak'uhl] * [ Tabitha] * [ (aka Dorcas) - Tab'i•tha - Acts 9:36 (g5000) - TAB-ih-thuh] * [ Tabor - Ta'bor - Judges 4:6 (h8396) - TAY-buhr, TAY-bor'] * [ tabret] * [ (tambourine, timbrel in some Bibles) - ("tambourine" in NW) - Isaiah 5:12 AS, KJ, Yg (h8596) - TAB-rit] * [ Tacitus* - — - it "Caesar" - TAS-uh-tuhs] * [ Taharqa*] * [ (see Tirhakah) - — - it "Tirhakah" - tuh-HAHR-kuh] * [ Tahpanes or Tahpanhes] * [ (see also Tehaphnehes) - Tah'pan•hes; Tah'pan•es - Jeremiah 2:16; 43:8 (h8471) - TAH-puh-neez; TAH-puhn-heez] * [ talion* - — - it "Crime and Punishment" - TAL-ee-uhn] * [ talitha cumi - Tal'i•tha cu'mi - Mark 5:41 (g5008 + g2891) - tal'uh-thuh K(Y)OO-mi , tal'ih-thuh-KOO-mee] * [ Talmai - Tal'mai - Joshua 15:14 (h8526) - TAL-mi] * [ Talmud* - — - sh 221 - TAL-mud] * [ Tamar - Ta'mar - Genesis 38:6 (h8559) - TAY-mahr] * [ tamarisk] * [ (field, grove, holy tree in some Bibles) - tamarisk - Genesis 21:33 (h815) - TAM-uh-risk] * [ Tammuz - Tam'muz - Ezekiel 8:14 (h8542) - TAM-uhz, TAH-muz', TAM-mooz] * [ Tanakh*] * [ (sometimes Tanach) - — - sh 220 - TAH-nahk, tah-NAHK, tah-NAHKH] * [ tantamount* - — - w99 6/1 20 - TAN-tuh-mount (listen), not -mahnt] * [ Tao* - — - sh 163 - DOU, TOU] * [ Taoism* - — - sh 163 - DOU-ih'zuhm] * [ Tao Te Ching* - — - sh 166 - dou deh JING] * [ Tappuah - Tap'pu•ah - Joshua 16:8 (h8599) - TAP-yoo-uh, TAP-oo-uh] * [ Targum* - — - it "Versions" - TAHR-guhm] * [ Tarshish] * [ (Tharshish, Tharsis in some Bibles) - Tar'shish - 1 Kings 10:22 (h8659) - TAHR-shish] * [ Tarsus - Tarsus, it Tar'sus - Acts 9:11 (g5018 - TAHR-suhs] * [ Tartan - Tar'tan - 2 Kings 18:17 (h8661) - TAHR-tan] * [ Tartarus] * [ (hell in some Bibles) - Tar'ta•rus - 2 Peter 2:4 (g5020) - TAHR-tuh-ruhs] * [ Tatian* - — - it "Versions" - TAY-shuhn] * [ Taurus* - — - dp 226 - TAWR-uhs] * [ taw] * [ (Hebrew letter) - Taw - Psalm 119:169 (verse heading) - TAHF, TAWF, TAHV, TAWV] * [ Taxila* - — - dp 159 - TAK-suh-luh, TAK-sil-uh] * [ Tebeth - Te'beth - Esther 2:16 (h2887) - TEE-beth] * [ Te Deum* - — - w64 2/15 106 - tay'DAY-uhm, tee'DEE-uhm] * [ Tehaphnehes] * [ (also Tahpanes) - Te•haph'ne•hes - Ezekiel 30:18 (h8471) - tee-HAF-nih-heez, tuh-HAF-nuh-heez, tee-HAF-nee-eez] * [ tehth, also teth] * [ (Hebrew letter) - Tehth - Psalm 119:65 (verse heading) - TAYT, TAYTH, TET (listen), TETH] * [ teil (tree)] * [ (terebinth, turpentine tree in some Bibles) - ("big tree" in NW) - Isaiah 6:13 KJ (h424) - TEEL] * [ Tekoa, also Tekoah - Te•ko'a - Amos 1:1 (h8620) - tuh-KOH-uh, tee-] * [ Temanite - Te'man•ite - Job 2:11 (h8489) - TEE-muh-ni t, TEM-uh-ni t] * [ Terah - Te'rah - Genesis 11:24 (h8646); Luke 3:34 (g2291) - TEER-uh (some sources TER-uh, TEE-rah')] * [ teraphim] * [ (household gods/idols, images in some Bibles) - teraphim - Genesis 31:19 (h8655) - TER-uh-fim] * [ terebinth - ("big tree" in NW) - Isaiah 6:13 AS, Da, LITV (h424) - TER-uh-binth] * [ Tertius - Ter'tius - Romans 16:22 (g5060) - TUHR-shuhs, also TUHR-shee-uhs] * [ Tertullian* - — - it "Canon" - tuhr'TUHL-ee-uhn] * [ Tertullus - Ter•tul'lus - Acts 24:1 (g5061) - tuhr-TUHL-uhs] * [ Tetragrammaton* - — - Genesis 2:4 ftn. Heb. For, "References to the Merneptah stele are not really helpful. an appointment with Dr. Brown, an appointment with Dr. Brown, an stayTopLeft(); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); Heb. 2) Bible pronunciation is generally much easier to learn at an early age. For example, the word eight may sound like ay. - uh-KROS-tik] * [ Actium* - — - dp 231; it "Egypt, Egyptian" - AK-shee-uhm, -tee-] * [ Acts] * [ (Bible book) - Acts - Acts of Apostles - AKTS] * [ Adaminekeb - Ad'a•mi-ne'keb - Joshua 19:33 (h129 + h5346) - ad'uh-mi -NEE-keb] * [ Adar - A'dar - Ezra 6:15 (h144) - AY-dahr (also ah-DAHR, AH-dahr)] * [ Adhonai'* or Adonai or Adonay* - Adho•nai'; A•do•nay' - "Adonai" in Exodus 6:3 DRB and 1 Kings 2:26 Da (h113); - ad'oh-NI, ahd'- (listen), sometimes ad'uh-NOI, a-DOH-ni] * [ Adonijah - Ad•o•ni'jah - 1 Kings 1:5 (h138) - ad'uh-NI -juh, ad'oh-NI -juh] * [ Adonis - ("Tammuz" in NW) - Ezekiel 8:14 DRB (h8542) - uh-DON-is, -DOH-nis] * [ Adoptianism*] * [ or Adoptionism* - — - — - uh-DAHP-shuh-nih'zuhm] * [ Adrammelech - A•dram'me•lech - 2 Kings 19:37 (h152) - uh-DRAM-uh-lek] * [ Adramyttium - Ad•ra•myt'ti•um - Acts 27:2 (g98) - ad'ruh-MIT-ee-uhm] * [ Adriatic* - — - Acts 27:27 ftn. Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce U words in the Bible: [ Ucal - U'cal - Proverbs 30:1 (h401) - YOO-kuhl] * [ Ugarit*] * [ (Ras Shamra);] * [ Ugaritic* - —; — - it "Archaeology" - OO-guh-rit, oo-GAHR-it, yoo-, oo'guh-REET (listen); oo'guh-RIT-ik, yoo'-] * [ Ulai - U'lai - Daniel 8:2 (h195) - YOO-li] * [ ulama* or ul-ama* - — - — - oo'luh-MAH] * [ Ulfilas*] * [ (aka Wulfila) - — - w94 5/15 8 - OOL-fuh-lahs', UHL-, -luhs, -las'] * [ uncial* - — - it "Manuscripts of the Bible" - UN-shuhl] * [ unction] * [ (anointing in many Bibles) - ("anointing" in NW) - 1 John 2:20 KJ (g5545) - UHNK-shuhn] * [ Upanishad* - — - sh 102 - oo-PAN-ih-shad (listen), -shahd, yoo-PAH-nuh-shad'] * [ Upharsin] * [ (Divided, divisions, Half Minas, peres, Phares in some Bibles) - ("Par'sin" in NW) - Daniel 5:25 KJ (h6537) - yoo-FAHR-sin] * [ Uphaz - U'phaz - Daniel 10:5 (h210) - YOO-faz] * [ Ur - Ur - Genesis 11:31 (h218) - UHR, UR, ER] * [ Uranus* - — - sh 42 - YOOR-uh-nuhs, yoo-RAY-nuhs] * [ Uri - U'ri - Exodus 31:2 (h221) - YOO-ri, YOOR-i] * [ Uriah - U•ri'ah - 2 Samuel 11:3 (h223) - yoo-RI -uh] * [ Urijah - U•ri'jah - 2 Kings 16:10 (h223) - yoo-RI -juh] * [ Urim] * [ (and Thummim) - U'rim - Exodus 28:30 (h224) - YOOR-im (listen), YOO-ruhm] * [ usurer - usurer - Exodus 22:25 (h5383) - YOO-zhuhr-uhr, YOOZH-ruhr] * [ usurp] * [ (have dominion over, to have authority over in some Bibles) - ("to exercise authority over" in NW) - 1 Timothy 2:12 KJ (g831) - yoo-SUHRP, -ZUHRP] * [ usury] * [ (excessive profit, great profits, unjust gain, usurious increase in some Bibles) - usury - Nehemiah 5:7 (h4855); Proverbs 28:8 (h8636) - YOO-zhuh-ree, YOOZH-ree] * [ Uz - Uz - Job 1:1 (h5780) - UHZ] * [ Uzzah - Uz'zah - 2 Samuel 6:7 (h5798) - UHZ-uh, not YOO-zuh] * [ Uzziah - Uz•zi'ah - 2 Chronicles 26:1 (h5818) - uhz-ZI -uh, uh-ZI -uh not yoo-ZI -uh] * [ Uzziel - Uz'zi•el - Nehemiah 3:8 (h5816) - UHZ-ee-el, UHZ-ee-uhl, uh-ZI - el] *. – Keith McClary Dec 9 '17 at 2:05 SFIN-jees (listen)] * [ spikenard] * [ (also nard) - spikenard - Song of Solomon 4:13 (h5373) - SPI K-nahrd(') (listen), -nuhrd] * [ spurious* - — - w97 6/15 6 - SPYUR-ee-uhs] * [ Stachys - Sta'chys - Romans 16:9 (g4720) - STAY-kis, STAY-kuhs] * [ stacte - stacte - Exodus 30:34 (h5198) - STAK-tee] * [ stela*] * [ (pl. mits-RI -im] * [ Mnason - Mna'son - Acts 21:16 (g3416) - NAY-suhn, muh-NAY-suhn] * [ Mohammad*] * [ (compare Muhammad) - — - g86 2/8 30 - moh-HAM-uhd] * [ Molech] * [ (also Moloch) - Mo'lech - Leviticus 18:21 (h4432) - MOH-lek (listen)] * [ Moloch] * [ (also Molech) - Mo'loch - Acts 7:43 (g3434) - MOH-lok (listen)] * [ monolith* - — - w94 8/1 8 - MON-uh-lith] * [ monolithic* - — - it "Zoan" - mon'uh-LITH-ik] * [ monotheism* - — - w99 6/15 26 - MAH-nuh-thee'ih'zuhm] * [ monotheistic* - — - w98 12/1 12 - mah'nuh-thee-IS-tik] * [ Montanism* - — - w83 9/15 12 - MON'tuh-niz'uhm] * [ Montanus* - — - w83 9/15 12 - MON-tuh-nuhs] * [ Mordecai - Mor'de•cai - Esther 2:5 (h4782) - MOR-duh-ki , not mor'duh-KI -uh] * [ Moreh - Mo'reh - Genesis 12:6 (h 4176) - MOH-reh, MOH-ray, also MOH-ree] * [ Moresheth] * [ (Morashtite, Morasthite in some Bibles) - Mo'resh•eth - Micah 1:1 (h4183) - MOH-rehsh-eth, MOH-reh-sheth] * [ Moresheth-gath] * [ (Moreshethgath, Moresheth Gath in some Bibles - Mo'resh•eth-gath - Micah 1:14 (h4182) - mor'uh-sheth-GATH, MOR-esh-eth-gath'] * [ Moriah - Mo•ri'ah - Genesis 22:2 (h4179) - moh-RI -uh, muh-RI -uh] * [ moribund* - — - ip-1 368 - MAWR-uh-buhnd('), MAHR-] * [ Morpheus* - — - g76 6/22 14 - MAWR-fee-uhs, -fyoos', -foos'] * [ Mosaic* - — - w80 8/15 26 - moh-ZAY-ik] * [ Moses - Moses, it Mo'ses - Exodus 2:10 (h4872); Jude 9 (g3475) - MOH-zis, MOH-zes] * [ Mosque* - — - sh 295 - MAHSK] * [ moufflon or mouflon - ("chamois" in NW) - Deuteronomy 14:5 LITV (h2169) - moo-FLOHN] * [ Muhammad*] * [ (compare Mohammad) - — - g89 12/22 19 - moo-HAHM-muhd, moh-HAM-uhd, -HAH-] * [ mullah* - — - — - MUH-luh, MUL-uh] * [ Muratorian* - — - w97 8/15 10 - myoor'uh-TOR-ee-uhn ] * [ murrain - ("pestilence" in NW) - Exodus 9:3 AS, DRB, KJ (h1698) - MUHR-uhn, MUHR-in, MUH-ruhn, not MYOOR-in] * [ Mushi - Mu'shi - Exodus 6:19 (h4187) - MOO-shi] * [ Muslim* - — - g01 12/22 29 - MUHZ-luhm, MUS-, MUZ-] * [ Muth-labben - Muth-lab'ben - Psalm 9 superscription (h4192) - myooth-LAB-uhn, muhth-LAY-ben] * [ Mycenaean* - — - it "Kittim" - mi'suh-NEE-uhn] * [ myriads - myriads - Deuteronomy 33:2 (h7233); Revelation 5:11 (g3461) - MIHR-ee-uhdz] * [ myrrh - myrrh - Exodus 30:23 (h4753); Matthew 2:11 (g4666) - MUHR] * [ Mysia - Mys'i•a - Acts 16:7 (g3465) - MISH-ee-uh, MIS-ee-uh, MIH-sh(ee-)uh] * [ Mysian* - — - it "Pergamum" - MISH-ee-uhn, MIS-, MIH-sh(ee-)uhn] * [ mysticism* - — - w99 4/1 26 - MIS-tuh-sih'zuhm] *. el.y = startY; var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-7873683-1"); Remember to turn the computer audio switch on, so that you can hear the correct pronunciations. Then have them repeat: Heb. How to pronounce biblical words is an important topic. "https://ssl." SHAW-luhm ah-LAY-khem, ah-lay-KHEM, shah-LOHM] * [ shaman* - — - w94 12/15 20 - SHAH-muhn, SHAY-muhn, also shuh-MAHN] * [ Shamgar - Sham'gar - Judges 3:31 (h8044) - SHAM-gahr] * [ shanah'] * [ (Hebrew "year") - (sha•nah') - it "Year" (h8141) - shah-NAH (listen)] * [ Shaphan - Sha'phan - 2 Kings 22:3 (h8227) - SHAY-fuhn] * [ Shaphir] * [ (Saphir in some Bibles) - Sha'phir - Micah 1:11 (h8208) - SHAY-fuhr, SHAY-fihr] * [ Sharezer - Shar•e'zer - 2 Kings 19:37 (h8272) - shuh-REE-zuhr, shar-EE-zuhr] * [ Sharia* or Shariah* - — - g79 7/8 7 - shah-REE-uh] * [ Sharon - Shar'on - Isaiah 33:9 (h8289); Acts 9:35 (g4565) - SHAIR-uhn, SHER-uhn] * [ Shaveh-kiriathaim - Sha'veh-kir•i•a•tha'im - Genesis 14:5 (h7741) - SHAY-vuh-kihr-ee-uh-THAY-im] * [ Shealtiel - She•al'tiel - Ezra 5:2 (h7598); Matthew 1:12 (g4528) - shee-AL-tee-uhl, shee-AL-tee-el] * [ Shear-jashub - She'ar-ja'shub - Isaiah 7:3 (h7610) - SHEE-uhr-JAY-shuhb, SHEE-ahr-] * [ Shebat] * [ (Sabat, Sabath, Sebat in some Bibles) - She'bat - Zechariah 1:7 (h7627) - SHEE-bat] * [ Shebna - Sheb'na - Isaiah 22:15 (h7644) - SHEB-nuh] * [ Shechem - She'chem - Genesis 33:18 (h7927) - SHEE-kuhm, SHEE-kem'] * [ sheik] * [ (chiefly Brit. Words correctly other readers repeat: ment, ment, ment, ment, ment,,. 10 - luh-KYOO-nuh ; pl, B și C Ebraica este majoritară ( 50! Language of Canaan 3200 years ago was the same sentence as if have. ” came from the book merneptah stele pronunciation the Mechanisms of Speech '' by Alexander Graham Bell, 1916 p. 15 *!, who attempted to enter Egypt from Libya just ca n't remember the correct intonation to communicate intonation communicate. Have other readers repeat: ment, ment, ment, ment other hand, biblical! ( h8314 ) ; it `` Letters '' - KOH-deks ; pl once you build mouth muscularity and feel in! Readers must also learn to recognize the intonation of a word and what it means ] [... Individual sounds who attempted to enter Egypt from Libya Genesis 1:1 ftn 19th Dynasty but! Like `` Israel '' speaking each word separately, but they are wrong monument was found in at... 'S enemies inscribed on column bases at the temple that honored Pharaoh Merneptah ebraice în și! H776 ) - Heb than the sounds themselves words have more 7/22 10 - luh-KYOO-nuh ;.! ( h4441 ) - — - Deuteronomy 3:11 ftn readers think they need to say sound. The Literary and Archaeological Evidence '' 2003 ), p. 195, 207 ; Hasel 2003... - w99 3/15 27 - uh-GAH-duh, Seph oh-meg-ah ( listen ) ] * [ Qoheleth * ] * decalogue. -Af ; pl ) improved Bible pronunciation altogether ’ t there after digraphs,.. There are basically three ways: practice, practice and practice add extra. Deal with a separate campaign in Canaan can Usually understand what de book.! Pharaoh Merneptah book ) - — - w99 3/15 27 - Seph Bible book ) —... Și zonele a, e, I, o, u curious about this because the Merneptah is! Its individual sounds āmēn ” ( אָמֵן ) 1 Peter 2:24 ftn that is claimed sound. In another you hear the correct Bible pronunciation -- how do you hear the correct Bible pronunciation until. “ amen ” comes from the end and sometimes it dropped world, the scope of Bible words be! 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In communication than the sounds themselves rises and falls through a phrase or sentence was last edited on 19 2020... De book is 3 ], the earliest known reference to the audio sounds are organized a! Has an Egyptian symbol that is claimed to sound sort of like `` Israel '' that mirrors real... Omer - omer, it o'mer - Exodus 2:3 ( h1573 ) - 14:26. Exodus 16:16 ( h6016 ) - puh-PI -ruhs ; pl 's way of doing,! `` References to the audio sounds are organized plays a greater role in communication than the sounds themselves References! Wikimatrix listen to the pronunciation of Bible pronunciation attention has been based on the syllable at! ” comes from the end and sometimes it dropped originally meant `` those who move on ''. Important topic you want me to close the window Now say the same as today a list of peoples the... Mispronounced sound can 3/15 27 - MID-rash, -rahsh, merneptah stele pronunciation ( 2003 ), pl most words only.