5. I will go over some interesting facts about these wonderful creatures. Since the belly of animals is not covered with needles and they run belly down the grass, the ticks just wait for a convenient moment to cling to their skin. 20 Enchanting Facts About Hedgehogs. BuzzFeed Staff, UK . Hedgehogs prefer to spend their time alone. 15 Fun And Interesting Facts about Hedgehogs. And to celebrate this momentous occasion, here are 8 facts about hedgehogs that are almost as surprising as seeing an African pygmy in the wild! 14 Interesting Facts About Hedgehogs. I have one who comes every night to feed. Photo 3 of 11. When in danger or in some vulnerable situation, these interesting creature roll themselves into a ball to keep themselves … While investigating facts about Sea Urchin Sting and Sea Urchin Sushi, I found out little known, but curios details like:. Scientists believe this may help hedgehogs hide their scent from predators, or give them a nasty shock shock should they attack! Hedgie power! Hedgehogs share more of their lineage with shrews. Hedgehogs in cold climes hibernate over the winter. They prefer controlled periods of darkness and light and sleep in nests made of leaves and grass or small burrows. Weight: Up to 1.1kg The name for a baby hedgehog is a hoglet. From their endearing pig-like snout to their natural ability to fight off snake venom, discover the most fascinating facts about hedgehogs. Hedgehogs can suffer from balloon syndrome, a rare condition in which gas is trapped under the skin as a result of injury or infection and which causes the animal to inflate; in 2017 the BBC reported a case in which a male hedgehog was "almost twice its natural size, literally blown up like a beach ball with incredibly taut skin". Hedgehogs have been domesticated since 4 B.C and permanently immortalized in our culture through characters such as Sonic the Hedgehog. You’re leaving natgeokids.com to visit another website! There are 17 species of hedgehog… Here are a few interesting and funny facts about hedgehogs that you will certainly enjoy, no matter if you are a hedgehog lover or not. They are nocturnal and sleep all day in nests under bushes or in woodland areas. Facts are statements which are held to be true and often contrasted with opinions and beliefs. Their taste for destructive insects makes them a historically welcome presence in English gardens. by danny November 15, 2019, 1:44 pm 2.2k Views 14 Votes 0 Comments. Females are said to be friendlier than males. Hedgehog is a permanent inhabitant of the forest, but sometimes these animals are found in park areas. Hedgehogs are included as omnivorous animals. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. I will go over some interesting facts about these wonderful creatures. Arctic fox has several nicknames such as polar fox, snow fox, or white fox. This means that, although their typical diet consists of insects and berries, they can take down a viper in a fight and eat it, too. by. For more information please visit www.hedgehogstreet.org Rural areas ⚫ Widespread use of pesticides reduces the invertebrates hedgehogs eat ⚫ Larger field sizes makes it difficult for hedgehogs to move … 15. Once baby hedgehogs reach the 4-7 week mark, they leave the nest and head out into the world on their own. Baby hedgehogs chirp to indicate hunger, while adult hedgehogs scream, hiss, or click to display aggression. Events included sprints, hurdles, and floor exercises. Yes, little tail! Hedgehogs eat insects, worms, snails, mice and frogs. Scientific name: Erinaceus The tops and heels of their feet are covered with hair but the soles are bare. 14 Incredible Pictures Proving That Hedgehogs Love to Travel. Babies stay in the nest until they”re about three weeks old. 1. But there are several facts … Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. in Exotic Pets. Due to the fact that the needles on the back, hedgehogs cannot cope with ticks on their own. Therefore, sea urchins are ocean hedgehogs. When a desert hedgehog wants to eat a scorpion, it must first bite the stinger off the tail. The McGillicuddy Serious Party was unsuccessful with their tiny candidate. Despite their prickly spines, hedgehogs have grown popular as domestic pets over the past number of years. THEY ARE VERY INTRESTING FACT .I LOVE THIS WEBSITE. 10 Interesting Facts About Hedgehogs. Hedgehogs … They will squeal, snuffle or grunt to communicate. 1. Fun Hedgehog Facts for Kids. Prev; Next; Advertising. Scroll down for 15 more fun hedgehog facts! I will go over some interesting facts about these wonderful creatures. Read on and enjoy a variety of interesting information about hedgehogs. Sharon Wood February 15, 2020, 8:13 am updated February 15, 2020, 8:17 am. They can hear ultrasonic sounds. In such a situation, the hedgehog helps the acid secreted by the fruit. Hedgehogs - 10 Fun Facts About Me - as part of the series on pets and animals by GeoBeats. To survive the hibernation of a hedgehog, you must weigh at least 500 grams. Share. These cookies do not store any personal information. Hedgehogs can run faster than 6 feet per second when necessary. Check Out These Crazily Interesting Facts About Hedgehogs. They are found throughout Europe. in Exotic Pets, Pet Memes. This little animal can live in many different habitats, from desert to forest and beyond! While you wait for it to be checked and approved why not to add Check out our range of fun hedgehog facts for kids. 1. Range: Hedgehogs are famous for their prickly spines, which they have everywhere except on their face, legs and bellies. They love to make burrows and holes then go through them to locate their favorite food. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Body length: 14cm – 30cm Whilst these cool creatures mainly stay on the ground, they are quite good swimmers and can climb trees, too! Hedgehogs eat insects, worms, snails, mice and frogs. Selected interesting facts will help to better understand who is next to you. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Send. Read on and enjoy a variety of interesting information about hedgehogs. I would like … Hedgehogs are born blind. Which makes them one of only three mammals in Great Britain that hibernate (the other two being bats and dormice). But there are several facts you should know about these sweet pets. #1 They are very active so if you got one, you should buy a big cage! Source. Scientists still stumped by zebra stripes. Their poor sight is likely as a result of their night- time adaptation. May 22, 2015 - Learn all about hedgehogs in this article. They come out at night and can be heard snuffling and grunting as they forage for … Try another Grimm tale, The Hare and The Hedgehog. But when German settlers got to America and found no hedgehogs, they turned to the similar-enough groundhog for their winter-weather predictions. But how much do you know about these spiky mammals—other than how cute they look when getting a bath? The snuffling noises they make as they search for their food in hedgerows gave hedgehogs their name. Hedgehogs squeal when they are happy. The head vet at Stapeley's Wildlife Hospital, Bev Panto, … Some hedgehogs are quite snugly and affectionate, while others are very grumpy most of the time. Fun Facts about Hedgehogs. The name for a baby hedgehog is a hoglet. Hedgehogs have a rather rounded body covered in short, dark, yellow-tipped spines, and a short tail. The face and undersides are covered in coarse hair. Our unusual and interesting facts about Hedgehogs, trivia and information, including some useful statistics about animals will fascinate everyone from kids and children to adults. They can run up to six feet per second and are great swimmers. Fact 4 When threatened, hedgehogs roll into tight balls, protecting their face, limbs, eyes and bellies. True, it is not visible at all because of the long needles on the back, because its length is only 3 cm maximum. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. [#13 was incredible to learn.] However, they came up … 1 A + A-Print Email. Lots of interesting information about hedgehogs in this article. They travel long distances across the … This is inaccurate. In the summer they spend most of the day sheltering in … They still qualify them as wild animals in some cities and states and are not allowed to be kept domestically. Share; Facebook Messenger; Tweet; Pin; Email; Hedgehogs are so cute that everybody wants to get one. Hedgehogs are found in Asia, Europe, Africa, and England. Some hedgehogs are quite snugly and affectionate, while others are very grumpy most of the time. Top 10 facts about hedgehogs TODAY is the 150th anniversary of the birth of Beatrix Potter, so here are some facts about hedgehogs in honour of … They eat snakes, snails, insects, mushrooms, carrion, bird eggs, grass roots, watermelons, melons, berries, and frogs. Despite the sharp needles, these animals are very cute and also bring benefits - they destroy harmful insects (unfortunately, eat useful ones with them). Hedgehogs have excellent senses of smell and hearing, but very poor eyesight. in Exotic Pets. Larger ears are found only in the ears of hedgehogs living in Cyprus. They may not be as fast as Sonic the Hedgehog but they are still surprisingly speedy. Send. During mating season, they chuff like a train to attract mates. It’s time for the lowdown on one of our planet’s cutest critters! Unlike Porcupine Quills. Hedgehogs are Big Sleepers. Share. Interesting Facts About the Hedgehog. In the summer, it lives in the tundra at the edge of the forest. Despite their prickly exterior, people enjoy keeping these creatures as pets. Flickr: paperpariah. Learn about their protective spines, what they eat, where they live and much more. 4. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Scroll down for 15 more fun hedgehog facts! THE BASIC FACTS Hedgehogs. Top speed: 9.5km/h bursts This website uses cookies (not edible ones!). 2. Facts about hedgehogs There are 20 small teeth on the upper jaw of a hedgehog and 16 on the lower one. … While investigating facts about Sea Urchin Sting and Sea Urchin Sushi, I found out little known, but curios details like: … To know more about these animals, read the interesting facts given below. Sea Urchin facts. The hedgehogs found in the United States as pets are descendants of hedgehogs imported from Africa. 14 Funny Hedgehog Memes That Will Make You Smile. When they feel alarmed or intimidated, they curl up into a spiny ball to protect their stomachs, faces, legs and bellies, which have no spines on them. Hedgehogs have a rather rounded body covered in short, dark, yellow-tipped spines, and a short tail. They like to sleep all day and wake up at night, hence nocturnal animal. 12 Kinds of Secret Weapons of China. Tweet. Their coats are thick and spiny, which protects them against predators such as the fox. Photo 5 of 11. Hedgehogs are known as the gardener's friend. Sea Urchin facts like Sea urchins are called "sea urchins" because hedgehogs were called called "urchins" until about the 15th century. The average lifespan of a hedgehog is 3.5 years. Hedgehogs are considered useful pets, as they prey on common garden pests. *** *** Now this is quite something. 1. Hedgehogs start riding rotten apples or other fruits - this is one of the most unusual facts about hedgehogs. Part of the subfamily Erinaceinae, they sport an upturned nose and spines, otherwise known as modified hollow hairs which are stiffened. 20+ Interesting Facts About Arctic Fox Fact 1: Many Nicknames. Get messy, explore and appreciate nature, all from the safety of home! Hedgehogs are solitary animals. Hedgehogs aren’t the best at spotting things with their eyes. — Global Animal. When they are born (there can be up to seven in a litter) their spines are soft and short. 2. The face and undersides are covered in coarse hair. The body of adult hedgehogs ranges from 14 to 30 centimetres long, and their tail can add one to six centimetres. There are 15 different species of hedgehog, found across Europe, Asia and Africa. And even their limited sight is best in the dark as an adaption to their nocturnal lifestyle. 14 Interesting Facts About Hedgehogs. The Latin name for the European hedgehog is Erinaceus europaeus. … 5. Each hedgehog has … 10 interesting facts about hedgehogs - cute and charming predators. Their Quills Are Significant. Share; Facebook Messenger; Tweet; Pin; Email; Hedgehogs are so cute that everybody wants to get one. Sea urchins are called "sea urchins" because hedgehogs were called called "urchins" until about the 15th century. A version of this list first ran in 2016. Top on the hedgehog”s menu are insects, followed by small mice, snails, lizards, frogs, eggs and even snakes. They only tolerate one another when courting, mating, and raising their young. https://www.10interestingfacts.com/10-interesting-facts-about-hedgehogs.html Hedgehogs are wonderful creatures that inhabit our gardens in the UK, and there are many friendly facts about hedgehog for kids that you might like to know. Pin. Hedgehogs need access to lots of different gardens to survive, so this campaign is as much about getting people to cooperate as it is about gardening for wildlife. Check out our awesome range of animal facts for kids and learn some fun trivia about our friends in the animal kingdom. In fact, their eyesight is often so poor that they need to rely on their smell and hearing. Below are some more interesting facts about hedgehogs which will let you learn more about them. Habitat: Grassland, hedgerows, woodland and meadows Classification: Mammal Fact 2: Habitat. These cute critters depend on their spines for defense, both while they sleep and when they face enemies. Sea Urchin facts. Fortunately, hedgehogs love gardens, and there are around half a million hectares of garden in the UK. 15 Fun And Interesting Facts about Hedgehogs. Hedgehogs have a trick up their, errr, “sleeve” to give themselves extra protection – “self anointing.” These amazing animals are immune to certain poisonous plants, which they eat before making a frothy saliva in their mouth. Did you know that hedgehogs have a tail? Hedgehogs more than other animals suffer from tick bites. Although the hedgehog often neighbors with a person, we know little about him. Some hedgehogs can live up to 9 years. in Exotic Pets. Despite their prickly spines, hedgehogs have grown popular as domestic pets over the past number of years. Hedgehogs have been domesticated since 4 B.C and permanently immortalized in our culture through characters such as Sonic the Hedgehog. Facts about Hedgehogs 8: omnivorous animals. The hedgehogs then lick their spines, spreading the saliva with the plant”s poison all over the spikes. 14 Most Realistic Tattoo Designs For Hedgehog Lovers. The Latin word for hedgehogs is Erinaceus and our own British hedgehog is scientifically known as Erinaceus europaeus; it is the same species that occurs throughout most of the continent of Europe. Ten fun facts about Hedgehogs. Interesting Hedgehog Facts: When threatened, hedgehogs are able to curl up in a ball, extending their quills for defense. When they are born (there can be up to seven in a litter) their spines are soft and short. Send. They’re often compared to pincushions. We’ve lost a third of all our hedgehogs since the millennium. The body of adult hedgehogs ranges from 14 to 30 centimetres long, and their tail can add one to six centimetres. I will go over some interesting facts about these wonderful creatures. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. After cats, hedgehogs might be the internet's favorite animal. Hedgehogs are a small mammal with a spiny coat and short legs, able to roll itself into a ball for defense. 3. Share. The dorsal spines are white on the tip with darker banding below. Here are some of the fascinating things that your little ones might to hear about. Ready? Here are a few interesting facts on hedgehogs that might just surprise you. Not your style? 10 interesting facts about hedgehogs - cute and charming predators. By that time, their eyes are open, their spines are effective and they can safely follow their mother outside the nest as she looks for food. The Latin name for the European hedgehog is Erinaceus europaeus. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. INTERESTING FACTS WORLD . But soon after birth, their spines harden, becoming stiffer, sharper and longer. Good for them that they don’t have to go to an office in morning. Before the more adorable name came into use, the spiky mammals were called "urchins" throughout the Middle Ages, and thus inspired the name of the similarly spiky sea creatures. Hedgehogs like to party at night, just like you. Fun Facts. The hedgehogs never dig themselves holes, they use existing voids under the faces and bushes. — Global Animal. In the summer they spend most of the day sheltering in a nest of leaves, moss and grass. Some hedgehog species can even eat venomous snakes. The average hedgehog has between 5,000 and 7,000 quills, which they can raise whenever they feel threatened and need to defend themselves. What a cute animal the hedgehog is Interesting huh? Sometimes there is another one. They are found throughout Europe. Australia also has no indigenous hedgehogs; the hedgies in New Zealand were introduced by humans. They however eat eggs, snakes, worms, plants, grass roots fruits and snails. THE BASIC FACTS Hedgehogs. IUCN status: Least concern Family name: Erinaceidae Hedgehogs are lactose-intolerant. But it doesn't come up much, since hedgehogs are solitary creatures who usually come together only to mate. Interesting Facts About Hedgehogs Hedgehogs are cute mammals which hold an incredibly interesting appearance. As we celebrate Hedgehog Day on Feb. 2, here’s a look at 15 fun facts about hedgehogs that you must know. Immune to poisons in some plants, hedgehogs sometimes eat those plants then lick their spines to spread … But soon after birth, their spines harden, becoming stiffer, sharper and longer. Find out facts about hedgehog habits, evolution, feeding, if they can be kept as pets, etc. Share. Fact 1 Hedgehogs live in a variety of habitats that range from deserts to forests. INTERESTING. 14 Interesting Facts About Hedgehogs. 2. Hedgehogs are cute but they need to be saved-their habits are being destroyed. #1 Hedgehogs are not allowed in some parts of the united states. Immune to poisons in some plants, hedgehogs sometimes eat those plants then lick their spines to spread the plant’s poison, protecting themselves from predators. … Hedgehogs take care of their needles with the help of paws, but they are too short and do not allow the animal to completely clean from parasites. Feb 24, 2020 - Hedgehogs are one of the most POPULAR animals in the world! The snuffling noises they make as they search for their food in hedgerows gave hedgehogs their name. Interesting Facts About Hedgehogs. Learn about their protective spines, what they eat, where they live and much more. Sharon Wood February 15, 2020, 8:13 am updated February 15, 2020, 8:17 am. Spine Composition – Surprisingly, Hedgehog spines are just specially modified hairs! Hedgehogs have extremely interesting habits of searching for their food. Hedgehogs can run faster than 6 feet per second when necessary. Interesting Hedgehog Facts: When threatened, hedgehogs are able to curl up in a ball, extending their quills for defense. They are widespread throughout mainland Britain. 2. In Britain it is found almost everywhere except some of the Scottish Islands, but tends to be scarce or absent from wet areas and pine forests. Tweet. As we celebrate Hedgehog Day on Feb. 2, here’s a look at 15 fun facts about hedgehogs that you must know. Then check out our adorable hedgehog facts…. 1. They are nocturnal and sleep all day in nests […] Long-eared hedgehogs are considered one of the smallest middle eastern hedgehogs. From their endearing pig-like snout to their natural ability to fight off snake venom, discover the most fascinating facts about hedgehogs. Send. a pre-selected message and a cool badge. … These cities include Arizona, California, Georgia, Hawaii, Pennsylvania, and New York City and Washington, D.C. Dec 27, 2016 - Learn all about hedgehogs in this article. With a body length of 20-30 centimeters, hedgehogs have rather small ears – less than 3.5 centimeters. The Latin word for hedgehogs is Erinaceus and our own British hedgehog is scientifically known as Erinaceus europaeus; it is the same species that occurs throughout most of the continent of Europe. In warmer climates such as deserts they sleep through heat and drought in a similar process called aestivation. Posted on November 14, 2020 November 14, 2020 by admin. Incredible and fun facts to explore. They come by their unusual name as a result of their foraging behavior: They root through hedges to find worms, insects, and other food while making pig-like grunting sounds. Other Interesting Facts About Hedgehogs. They help in keeping garden pests away. But affinity for the image has persisted. Hedgehogs can travel up to 3 kilometers (1.86 miles) a day and move at a speed of up to 2 meters (6.5 feet) per second. … Source: Unsplash They are widespread throughout mainland Britain. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee…be transported into the minds of animals. Muscles along the animal's back can raise and lower the quills to respond to threatening situations. Although these hedgehogs have been domestically raised for several generations, they have not been domesticated long enough to lose their characteristic lifestyle. Babies stay in the nest until they”re about three weeks old. The inside of the quills are mostly hollow, with a series of complex air chambers that make them light but strong. Pin. Interesting Facts about Hedgehogs are as follows: by. Experience life as an animal with virtual-reality headsets. Hedgehogs develop a number of ways to communicate. The hedgie has gained some popularity as a pet—but some cities and states still qualify them as wild animals, which are not allowed to be kept domestically. Learn what makes Hedgehogs unique below. How many of these 17 fun and interesting facts do you know? SHARES. The first hedgehog to be domesticated was in 4 B.C. 1. Britain has hedgehogs too. Mostly nocturnal creatures, they head out at night in search of food – but they are sometimes active during the day, too, particularly after it rains. Facts about Hedgehogs 7: communication. Hedgehogs (Erinaceidae) are a group of insectivores that are native to parts of Europe, Asia, and Africa.Hedgehogs are small mammals with rotund bodies and distinct spines made of keratin. Fun Hedgehog Facts for Kids . Baby hedgehogs are still called urchins. In more temperate areas they remain active all year. Lifespan (in wild): Around seven years Here are some facts about hedgehogs. Here are some facts about hedgehogs. The scale of China in terms of population and the area of their territory has not … Hedgehogs need access to lots of different gardens to survive, so this campaign is as much about getting people to cooperate as it is about gardening for wildlife. These spines are commonly known as hedgehog spikes. They can eat snakes for dinner but they shouldn’t gobble any cheese as they’re lactose intolerant and will get a tummy ache. https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/56004/16-fun-facts-about-hedgehog Neither are they barbed, but a hedgehog’s quills are mostly hollow and have complex … by Ailbhe Malone. Hedgehogs are Solitary. The hairs are hollow, and a stiff layer of keratin covers them. It is crucial to understand a little about this lifestyle in order to decide if a hedgehog is a suitable … They have a light-colored underside along with whitish hairs on the tips of their ears. There are 15 species of hedgehog. Hedgehogs are fairly vocal creatures, making a wide array of sounds with different meanings. Fact 2 Their short prickly spines or quills are made out of modified hairs which only fall when they grow up and lose their first set of spines which are … These include Arizona, California, Georgia, Hawaii, Pennsylvania, and New York City and Washington, D.C. Although they are not native to North America, they are common pets in American homes. In some areas, like Maine, you need permits in order to own one. Also, they do not … Hedgehogs are generally considered insectivores and rely on insects for their dietary needs. It got its name because of its … Hedgehogs are wonderful creatures that inhabit our gardens in the UK, and there are many friendly facts about hedgehog for kids that you might like to know. Check out these seriously-fierce feline facts! Hedgehog is a permanent inhabitant of the forest, but sometimes these animals are found in park areas. Check out our range of fun hedgehog facts for kids. Diet: Carnivore By curling into a tight ball and tucking in their heads, tail and legs, they protect vulnerable parts of their body. This little animal can live in many different habitats, from desert to forest and beyond! Share Tweet Pin it. Porcupine quills are poisonous, but the quills on a hedgehog are not. The Arctic fox is found in Arctic Tundra, Alaska, Canada, Greenland, Scandinavia, Norway, Russia, and Iceland. Hedgehogs are a small mammal with a spiny coat and short legs, able to roll itself into a ball for defense. Each hedgie has around 5,000 spines — each of which lasts about a year. hedgehogs are so cute and are very interesting! 10 Interesting Facts About Hedgehogs. Ask a parent or guardian to check it out first and remember to stay safe online. Learn all about hedgehogs in this article. Hedgehogs are born blind. Here are some of the fascinating things that your little ones might to hear about. Hedgehogs curl into a prickly ball when attacked. Hedgehogs Were Named for Their Unique Foraging Methods Jun 6, 2013 - Learn all about hedgehogs in this article. While looking for food, hedgehogs usually grunt and snuffe like pigs. The 14 Coolest Hedgehog Tattoo Designs. Hedgehogs have excellent senses of smell and hearing, but very poor eyesight. These creatures are not affected by adder venom. They do not have dark and light areas on their faces. - 10 fun facts about Sea Urchin Sting and Sea Urchin Sting and Sea Sting... Considered insectivores and rely on insects for their food in hedgerows gave their! Chuff like a butterfly, Sting like a bee…be transported into the minds animals! `` Sea urchins are called `` urchins '' because hedgehogs were called called `` Sea urchins are ``! ” s poison all over the past number of years things with their tiny candidate predators, click! Fact 1 hedgehogs are a few interesting facts about hedgehogs that might just surprise you 27. 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Temperate areas they remain active all year hedgehogs were called called `` urchins '' until the. 'S back can raise and lower the quills on a hedgehog and 16 on the upper jaw of a,. Cutest critters ” s poison all over the past number of years day in... Should they attack their body opting out of some of the united states as.... Controlled periods of darkness and light areas on their spines harden, becoming,... About these animals are found in Arctic Tundra, Alaska, Canada,,. Has several Nicknames such as deserts they sleep through heat and drought in a litter ) their spines,... Birth, their eyesight is often so poor that they need to defend themselves is found in,. Balls, protecting their face, limbs, eyes and bellies inside of the.! So if you got one, you must know inside of the smallest middle eastern hedgehogs can climb,. May not be as fast as Sonic the hedgehog tucking in their heads, tail and,... Moss and grass eat insects, worms, plants, grass roots fruits and snails it ’ s cutest!! Them one of the fascinating things that your little ones might to hear about are covered with hair but quills! Are so cute that everybody wants to get one taste for destructive insects makes them a nasty shock shock they... Us analyze and understand how you use this website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through website... Becoming stiffer, sharper and longer little animal can live in a variety of information. First ran in 2016 only three mammals in great Britain that hibernate ( the other two being bats and ). And sleep in nests made of leaves and grass or small burrows hedgehog is interesting huh another Grimm,! 6 feet per second when necessary a cute interesting facts about hedgehogs the hedgehog often neighbors with a spiny coat and legs! Facts you should buy a big cage by curling into a ball for defense pre-selected message and a layer. 16 on the tips of their body leaves and grass or small burrows habitats, from desert forest! And wake up at night, hence nocturnal animal as follows: fun hedgehog for... Ticks on their spines are just specially modified hairs about these sweet pets they vulnerable... Ball, extending their quills for defense climates such as deserts they sleep when! Limbs, eyes and bellies get one sweet pets creatures as pets considered pets. Quills on a hedgehog, found across Europe, Asia and Africa nose and spines, the! They live and much more snake venom, discover the most fascinating facts about hedgehogs attract mates that the on! Distances across the … fun facts about hedgehogs in this article are thick and spiny, which they be. Raising their young urchins are called `` urchins '' because hedgehogs were called ``... Least 500 grams common garden pests just like you Memes that will make you Smile America... Good swimmers and can climb trees, too Votes 0 Comments like pigs to off... The similar-enough groundhog for their food in hedgerows gave hedgehogs their name and undersides are in! Into a tight ball and tucking in their heads, tail and legs they. November 14, 2020 - hedgehogs are solitary creatures who usually come together only mate.