Pituophis catenifer sayi. The largest authenticated example was 8 1/3 feet long. Range: Dorsally, they are yellowish or pale brown, with a series of large, dark brown or black blotches, and smaller, dark spots on the sides. 12-33 yrs. Baby Gopher Snake Average Size. Unknown. Geographic Range. The Cape gopher snake or Baja gopher snake (Pituophis vertebralis) is a species of nonvenomous colubrid endemic to extreme southern Baja California Sur, Mexico.They have become increasingly popular companions for people interested in the exotic pet trade, due to their extreme color variations and relatively docile behavior.It was previously considered to be a … Population size. Occupying a vast range, Gopher Snakes can be found in habitats varying from covered woodland to arid deserts but prefer open prairies or grassy meadows. The young emerging from the eggs are 12 – 18 inches in length. Whiskers – Very sensitive to vibration and help to guide the mole in its travel. Gopher Snake Lifespan Diet Gophers eat vegetation, such as plants, vegetables, and roots of trees. The gopher snake is a common snake often seen in North America. Gopher snakes are heavy-bodied and are already around a foot in length when they hatch. The gopher snake is generally bigger than the kingsnake or the corn snake, so it requires a more spacious enclosure. Description: Not Dangerous (Non-poisonous) - This snake does not have venom that is dangerous to most humans. Gopher snakes are adaptable, hardy, and generally widely available. They lay between 2 and 26 eggs per clutch, which hatch after around two months. LENGTH. Potential Adult Size: 90-215cm (36-84 inches) Average Life Span: 10-15 years. Dietary Requirements: Carnivorous. These pockets are used for carrying food. 3 yrs. Male. A 30-gallon aquarium equipped with a hiding place such as a ‘rock cave’ is adequate, but a somewhat larger enclosure is even better. A hatchling gopher snake will be fine in something as small as a 5-gallon terrarium for about 3 months, but they grow quickly and will need to be moved into a larger enclosure. Life Span. 2-4 pounds. Gopher Snake (Pituophis melanoleucus )Other common name: bullsnake Víbora Roedor - en Español Species Code: PIME Description: Gopher Snakes are large and heavy-bodied reptiles - reported to reach 9 feet (275 cm) in length, but 4 feet (120 cm) is more common. Female. Adult Size: Adults of this hefty snake differ in size populationally. Gopher Snake. Adult size varies between subspecies, with four to five feet being average, but large individuals, especially bulls, can easily reach six feet. It is the largest variation is the bull snake (which is often considered its own species) which actually happens to be one of nine Gopher Snake subspecies. 5 feet. 2-4 pounds. Family: Colubridae. This snake mates in the spring: lays 3 – 24 eggs (average 7) in damp burrows or other sites. Interesting Facts: The gopher snakes and bull snakes are subspecies of the Northern Pine Snake. (Stebbins, 2003) Hatchlings are fairly long, generally around 15 inches in length (38 cm). Gophers are herbivores. Scientific Name: Pituophis catenifer. 91-213 cm. Other Names: Gopher Snake, Pacific Gopher Snake Gopher snakes are large nonvenomous snakes endemic to North America. : Size: Adults of the species Pituophis catenifer can be 2.5 - 9 feet long (76 - 279 cm). The gopher has a fur lined pouch outside of the mouth, one on each side of its face. 5 feet. Gopher snakes can vibrate their tails and widen their heads to appear more triangular when threatened. Country of Origin: Western USA. 3 yrs. Size – 6” to 13 “ in length. The eggs incubate for about 70 days depending on temperatures. On its back are 33 to 66 light- to dark-brown or reddish blotches on a ground color of yellow, straw, tan or cream. Most adults of this subspecies, Pituophis catenifer annectens, are 4 - 5 ft. long … Gopher snakes are non-venomous colubrids, but have evolved to mimic dangerous rattlesnakes. Some may be adult at 3 to 4 feet. Size. Gopher Snake Size. Most routinely attain a length of 6 to 7 feet. Gopher snakes breed in the spring. Gopher Snake Care Sheet.