Neith - One of the oldest and most enduring deities of ancient Egypt, worshipped from the Predynastic Period (c. 6000-3150 BCE) through the Ptolemaic Dynasty (323-30 BCE), the last to rule Egypt before it was taken by Rome. He is associated with rebirth and transformation through his link to the sun god and flowers. Ta-Bitjet - A protective goddess specifically against poisonous bites and stings. 41. These transformations were sometimes dramatic, as in the case of Set who went from a hero protector-god to a villain and the world's first murderer. Isis - The most powerful and popular goddess in Egyptian history. This statement epitomizes Shay's chief characteristic: inevitability. Meskhenet - Goddess of childbirth and one of the oldest deities of Egypt. The boy was going to die from the venom but Isis saved him and forgave the woman. The Greeks associated her with Hestia. It is a popular name in Egypt for boys. Heh and Hauhet - God and goddess of infinity and eternity. Mandulis (Marul or Merwel) - A Nubian solar deity worshipped by Egyptians at Philae and Kalabsha, both in far Upper Egypt near the Nubian border. She was so universally adored that, in 525 BCE, the Persians used the Egyptian devotion to Bastet to their advantage in winning the Battle of Pelusium. Hathor-Nebet-Hetepet - A Mother Goddess aspect of Hathor worshipped at Heliopolis. He was present at the dawn of creation and guarded (or laid) the celestial egg containing the life force. He was originally a Canaanite god associated with destruction who planted a tree of death. 40. His name translates as "that soul". Sah and Sothis in the heavens reflected the divine couple Osiris and Isis and the god Sopdu, (son of Sothis), the astral form of Horus. These nine gods decide whether Set or Horus should rule in the story The Contendings of Horus and Set. His image was softened by others showing his benign and peaceful side as lord of the wine press and this was softened further as he became associated with oils and perfumes. Quite likely invoked as a protectress of widows but references to her are rare and Isis fulfilled that role as she did so many others. She represented the hand, the active part, of the supreme god Atum (Ra). Linked to the god Kherty, another ram-headed god, though a completely different entity. She is depicted as a woman wearing the White Crown of Upper Egypt with antelope horns. Her name means "Powerful" and is usually interpreted as "The Female Powerful One". 3. Star Deities - Gods and goddesses identified with the night sky. She is associated with the better-known Hippopotamus goddess Taweret and, as a sky goddess and protective force, with Hathor and Nut. Amun (Amun-Ra) - God of the sun and air. Set is best known as the world's first murderer in the Myth of Osiris where he kills his brother to usurp the throne. His image (as Anhur) appeared on the banners of the Egyptian army as he led them to war, protected them in battle, and brought them safely home. They are mentioned in Spell 168 of the Egyptian Book of the Dead and are represented as serpents or serpent-like. His cult naturally merged with that of his wife and the Cult of Isis, with its symbolism of salvation, eternal life, the dying and reviving god, and the divine son born of a virgin mother, would later influence the development of early Christianity. In the afterlife she appeared as the "Lady of Justification" linking her with the goddess Ma'at. Origin It is the name of an Egyptian prince. As a fertility goddess, she was further linked to the Nile River and the inundation and so with Hapi, the god of the fertile mud of the Nile. Ennead - The nine gods worshipped at Heliopolis who formed the tribunal in the Osiris Myth: Atum, Shu, Tefnut, Geb, Nut, Osiris, Isis, Nephthys, and Set. There was also a Little Ennead venerated at Heliopolis of minor deities. Ihy - God of music and joy, specifically the music of the sistrum. Bat - An early cow goddess associated with fertility and success. Mariam. Her role of providing one's destiny was eventually taken over by the Seven Hathors but she continued to be venerated in homes throughout Egypt's history. She is depicted as a woman holding the Was sceptre and ankh and a staff adorned with ribbons but is also shown with a bow and arrows and an axe representing the military might of Thebes. Lady of the Sycamore - One of the names of Hathor who was believed to live in the sycamore tree which was sacred to her cult. She was eventually absorbed into Isis. Their names mean "endlessness" and they were among the original gods of the Ogdoad. In early myths, he was the god who fashioned human beings from the clay of the Nile River and then held them high so the light of Ra could shine upon them and give them life. They had names like Far-Strider, Fire-Embracer, Demolisher, Disturber, Owner of Faces, and Serpent Who Brings and Gives, among others. Alternative names for this Goddess are Het-Hert, Hetheru, Mehturt, Mehurt, Mehet-Weret, and Mehet-uret. Male. In Egyptian medicine he was called upon for healing aromas to cure disease and associated with incense. Buchis - Aspect of the Ka (life force/astral self) of the god Montu in the form of a live bull. Min is depicted as a man holding his erect penis in one hand with the flail of authority in the other. Wadj-Wer (Uat-Ur) - The personification of the Mediterranean Sea whose name means "The Great Green". Kauket, his feminine balance, was depicted as a woman with the head of a serpent also called "Bringer-in-of-the-Darkness" who presided over the hours of twilight when the sun was setting and guided the sun barge into the underworld. His statuary, along with another god named Tabo, has often been found near doorways giving rise to the interpretation that he was a guardian god. She was the daughter of Ra who appears in one of the most important stories concerning the Eye of Ra/Distant Goddess motif. She is usually represented as a serpent but later as a woman wearing the uraeus with horns and the sun disk overhead. He is referred to as "Father of the gods" in the Pyramid Texts and was an important aspect of funerary rites where he welcomed the king to the afterlife. He lived in the House of Woe in the afterlife and was known to afflict the king of Egypt. Hatmehit (Hatmehyt) - She was a fish goddess worshipped in the Delta region of Mendes. Tefnut is the mother of Geb (earth) and Nut (sky) who were born so human beings could have somewhere to live. She provided pure, cool water to the souls of the deceased as they awaited judgment in the Hall of Truth. She is an aspect of Wadjet, sister of Nekhbet, in later images from Lower Egypt. Her name means "Mistress of the Temple Enclosure" or "Mistress of the House" referring to a heavenly house or temple. Although she never had a temple of her own, as R.H. Wilkinson observes, "by virtue of her role in the foundation ceremony she was a part of every temple building" (167). He was also sought in protection against magic spells cast by one's enemies and possibly against demons or ghosts. She is depicted as a cow or a woman with a cow's head and evolved from the earlier goddess Bat. Once Egyptians domesticated cats the images of these gods also changed into cats. Mafdet (Mefdet) - She was an early goddess of justice who pronounced judgment and meted out execution swiftly. Worship of the gods of Egypt evolved over time as large cults developed on a local and then on a national scale (99). He was a live bull selected from a herd for his completely black coat. In early depictions she is seen with a bow and arrows and one of her epithets was "Mistress of the Bow". Sutekh - The Semitic name for the god Set (Seth) which the people known as the Hyksos introduced during the Second Intermediate Period (c. 1782-1570 BCE). All of Mafdet's qualities were later assumed by other female deities but Mafdet remained a popular goddess from the Early Dynastic Period (c. 3150-2613 BCE) through the New Kingdom (1570-1069 BCE) when she appears as a judge in the afterlife. Weneg - A protective god first referenced in the Old Kingdom period (c. 2613-2181 BCE) who held up the sky and maintained order between the heavens and the earth. Her name first appears on stone jars at Saqqara which were placed inside the lower chambers of Djoser's Step Pyramid (c. 2670 BCE) and she is thought to be an older goddess from the Predynastic Period of Egypt (c. 6000-3150 BCE). He lived c. 2667-2600 BCE and was a polymath expert in many fields of study. Hathor - One of the best known, most popular, and most important deities of ancient Egypt. Her cult reenacted the sacred marriage between Qudshu and Reshep, a ritual long associated with the Cult of Ishtar/Inanna in Mesopotamia and Astarte in Phoenicia. Egyptian God and Goddess Dog Name Ideas. Every attempt has been made to create a comprehensive listing but minor regional deities have been omitted if their role seems uncertain or they were transformed into major gods. Wadjet - A great protective goddess and patroness of Lower Egypt, one of the oldest deities in the Egyptian pantheon, represented as the rearing cobra which became the king's insignia (the uraeus). Osiris-Apis - The Apis bull, traditionally associated with the god Ptah, became linked to Osiris as the latter god grew more popular. Daughter of Hathor and Horus. He entered the Egyptian pantheon through trade and made his way into Egyptian mythology through stories of his battles with Set. She is depicted as a woman with a house on her head. Included also are concepts, such as The Field of Reeds or Lily Lake, which were regions in the afterlife associated with the gods. When these crocodiles died they were mummified and buried with all the care given to a person. His name and attributes were later absorbed by Osiris. His name means "Powerful" or "Mighty". Please select a name from the list below to view the Egyptian god’s description. Statue of Horus at his temple in Idfū, Egypt. Hapi was a very ancient god whose name may have originally been derived from the river and who was a personification of the river at flood. Souls of Nekhen and Pe - Protective spirits who were considered the ancestral souls of the city of Nekhen in Upper Egypt (also known as Hierakonopolis) and the city of Pe in Lower Egypt (also known as Buto). He defeated the Hyksos and drove them from Egypt Shay (Shai) - The personification of fate. The goddess Qebhet, for example, is a little known deity who offered cool water to the souls of the dead as they awaited judgment in the afterlife, and Seshat was the goddess of written words and specific measurements overshadowed by Thoth, the better known god of writing and patron of scribes. Serket (Selket, Serqet or Serkis) - She was a protective and also an important funerary goddess probably originating in the Predynastic Period (c. 6000-3150 BCE) and first mentioned during the First Dynasty of Egypt (c. 3150-2890 BCE). Kek and Kauket - Gods of obscurity and night, members of the original Ogdoad of Hermopolis. Isis-Eutheria - A later Greek version of Isis worshipped in Egypt whose tears, when she mourned for Osiris, were thought to cause the inundation of the Nile River. Duamutef - One of the Four Sons of Horus, a protector god of the canopic jar containing the stomach. Banebdjedet - A fertility/virility god who appears as a ram or a man with a ram's head, associated with the city of Mendes, eventually another name for Osiris. A - Z Names of Egyptian Gods Fact Sheet for Kids The Names of Egyptian Gods fact sheet for kids provides a fast, easy overview of the ancient deities of ancient Egypt. As protector of the divine king, Sed was associated with justice and so linked to the goddess Ma'at. \"Obelisk the Tormentor\" - Derived from the term \"obelisk,\" a type of monument. Only one Mnevis bull could exist at any one time and another was chosen only after the first died. Bennu - An avian deity better known as the Bennu Bird, the divine bird of creation and inspiration for the Greek Phoenix. Taweret is closely associated with Hathor and called "Follower of Horus" both of which distance her from Set. Son of Nephthys and Osiris, father of Qebhet. The first temple to him was constructed at Kalabsha during the 18th Dynasty (c. 1550-1292 BCE). She was also known as "Cleanser of Ra" who bathed the sun before it appeared in the dawn sky and personified the freshness of the morning sun. He guided the souls of the dead to the Hall of Truth and was part of the ritual of the Weighing of the Heart of the Soul in the afterlife. Nepit: goddess of grain. She is the second-born of the First Five Gods (Osiris, Isis, Set, Nephthys, and Horus the Elder), sister-wife of Osiris, mother of Horus the Younger, and symbolically understood as the mother of every king. Abu - A god of light. She later became associated with embalming and was said to weave the cloth for the embalming tents and, later, the bandages used for wrapping the mummy which were known as "wrappings from the hands of Tayet" which associated her with Nephthys. He is depicted as a mummy holding the crook and flail with a uraeus and moon disc on his head. She was widely venerated throughout Egypt. Ra The god of the sun, Ra was the first pharaoh of the world, back in the days when gods inhabited Egypt. In life and through death, Greek and Norse gods, goddesses, such as Set Horus. A house on her head and arms outstretched in a front-facing position of protection watching over his charges influence! Happy he cried and his name only appears in one text female one '' dangerous section of.... Rescues '' and he was thought to live in sycamore trees and so to... Was mummified with the goddess Ma'at and Astarte cultures as well Hermopolis and known Weret-Kekau... 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