(Source: Omnicore) YouTube video kills it with over five billion views every day VideoNitch social networks. Data: Ericsson ConsumerLab TV & Media, 2016. The app’s most extensive user base is in America –. day. But how much time do people spend on social media? In May 2019, YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki announced, among other YouTube statistics, that watch time of YouTube on TV screens came to more than 250 million hours per day, as of March 2019 – a 39% increase on the 180 million hours reported a year previously. The network holds the top numbers in user engagement and average time spent on the website, gaining a 50% increase in average viewing time from last year. Users spend an average of 30 minutes per day on Snapchat in 2020. media, and in others, they spend far less. But studies have been done on daily social media use, and Facebook reigns supreme when it comes to time spent within the platform: 58 minutes per day on average, according to a study by SimilarWeb. And only 24% of those find it has a positive effect on their work. Over two-thirds of internet users in China will watch livestreamed videos this year . The Digital 2019 report by HootSuite and We Are Social reveals that the average internet user spends more than a quarter of their life on the World Wide Web. This trend points to Millennials … every day, who upload 300 million photos and watch 8 billion videos daily. information about how much time people spend using them daily however studies However, the video and streaming platform has the most active users – 86% of all people on the Web visit it actively. When software company Adobe surveyed over 1,000 American workers for its annual email usage study, they found that people on average spend more than five hours per day checking their email. Therefore, we can reasonably expect the average time spent on social media to rise further. Using these metrics, we can derive that each individual subscriber spent 568 hours watching Netflix in 2015 on average. Kids ages four to 15 now spend an average of 85 minutes per day watching YouTube videos, compared with 80 minutes per day spent on TikTok. Most visits are done via desktop (82 million users), while mobile falls behind with 31 million. Adult consumers in India will spend an average 3 hours, 30 minutes per day with traditional media in 2019, or 70.1% of their daily media time. In early 2020, kids in the U.S. were spending 86 minutes on YouTube per day, down from 88 minutes in 2019. Doesn’t necessarily mean it will try to go after WhatsApp’s market. Anyone can check it for themselves. … Back in the year 2015, YouTube announced that it had surpassed 500 million hours per day. Women spent an average of 0.23 hours per day … Linkedin is the most popular social media network among professionals. To put things in perspective, let’s take a look at some of the most impressive stats: Impressive, considering there are 3.196 billion people actively using social networks. The majority of them point out entertainment as their main reason to visit the site. Facebook, sees 320 million daily active users who send 43 billion messages However, media watching has always been a part of Facebook – be it uploading a photo or streaming a video, we still spend a lot of time on the site. Arguably then, the number of people using an app is a better litmus test. How much time have i spent on youtube. In that one hour I take the bus from my job to the school. Snapchat is a multimedia messaging app. Part of this is due to the 2,055 billion active users that now access the network through their smartphone or tablet. An eMarketer research shows US citizens (aged 18+) spend 43 minutes per day on Facebook. It is there to remind you there’s, In other news, Futuresource Consulting data from 2016 has some interesting points regarding UK users, aged 3-16. Ashley Rodriguez. This article is more than 2 years old. According to the source, 14.9 percent of Millennials aged 26 to 35 years watched 10 to 20 hours of online video per week. (YouTube, 2021) Most immediately obvious in our estimates are large disparities in total average time spent. Generally speaking, the average time kids spend watching online videos has doubled in 4 years. TikTok has been one of the most outstanding breakthrough inventions in recent years. Related Charts & Analysis . down and eventually reverse. Netflix’s massive 2020 subscriber gains … their lifetime based on the projections for social media use in 2020. Humans are social creatures and, as such, we need connection. However, no matter how you feel about social This statistic provides a comparison of the average amount of time in minutes spent on sport and exercise per day by gender in OECD member countries as well as China, India and South Africa. On average, Gen Xers spend nearly two hours on social media per day—less than Millennials and Gen Z, but more than Boomers. Instagram An eMarketer article suggests an 11.8 million US user growth for the app in the next four years. are on track to spend a decade or more time on social media in their lifetime. It currently has a. and is one of the most preferred social platforms for younger generations. The average YouTube user visits the site 14 times per month, spending an average of 25 minutes on the site each time. Apps like TikTok and Instagram will become GenZ’s favorites in the years to come. However, Instagram stats from June 2018 shed light on the astonishing app progress. Close behind Facebook is But, we do know a lot about each social media There is an obvious explanation for why that is. However, the actual watch time on the platform has grown by 60% between 2016 and 2017. Like it or not, social media is a huge part of According to the market-research group Nielsen, adults spend over 11 hours per day interacting with media. Social media platforms offer an ever-wider variety of things to do. How much time do people spend on social media. Back in the year 2015, YouTube announced that it had surpassed 500 million hours per day. It's definitely a network that's popular with the younger set. YouTube maintains a solid second place in the “most used social media” category. day, on top of its current total of 1.3 billion registered users. What’s more, the internet user of today spends those 2 hours and 33 minutes socializing online mostly on the six most popular platforms. across continents and time zones but also with friends who live just a few Granted – Kik, WeChat, and Kakao boast better engagement in terms of minutes in the US, yet WhatsApp already seems like the inevitable leader among the messaging services. Similarly, UAE and Saudi Arabia have also shown a significant increase in time spent on social media since 2017 and is growing steadily. 21+ Revealing Web Browser Market Share Statistics for 2020, 33 Astonishing Customer Experience Statistics for 2020, How Many Companies Use Cloud Computing in 2020? It usually consists of one longer visit and lots of shorter ones. Instagram Every day, the number of social media users When will travel (advertising) recover, do social platforms look … Last updated: 3 years ago. Snapchat also logs 10 billion daily views of videos posted on its platform. Social media is an inseparable part of our everyday lives. constantly and rapidly. In 2020, social media is one of the best ways Despite headlines saying young people are abandoning the Between April and September, 83% of all internet-users were engaged with social media. With the rise of the smartphone (and the tablet), reaching out to another human being is 1-2 taps away. media, the numbers show it's a huge part of our lives, at least for now. Instagram – Average Time Spend on Social Media per Day, How Much Time Do People Spend on Social Media - Twitter. a day watching videos on their mobile devices in 2018. Regardless, things are looking up for Facebook Messenger as well. Digital Video Time Spent with Media United States. advantage is that its average visitor spends 40 minutes on the site at a time. An eMarketer research shows US citizens (aged 18+) spend, In 2018, the average time spent on the mobile Facebook app was around, It can also tell you if you spend more time than your peers there. Here's a quick snapshot of 8 of the most Misuse the power, and you’ll wreak havoc in a world that already has way too much of it. Arguably then, the number of people using an app is a better litmus test. The rise of fake news has made people much more sceptical of the authenticity and … average. It is there to remind you there’s life beyond Facebook. How Much Time Do People Spend on Social Media with WhatsApp? 400 million active daily users spent 53 minutes per day on the platform – just a 5-minute difference compared to Facebook. Before the pandemic, eMarketer predicted time spent on Instagram would increase by only 1.5% in 2020. As we consider the role social media plays in In 2016, United States users spent an average of, how much time do we spend on social media. houses down. I’m sure that’s what their CEO thinks as well. channels and usage will stay the same throughout someone's entire life - unlikely! Messenger – Time Spent on Social Media Statistics. I finish the video, scroll down and see my comment from 2 weeks ago. understanding of how impactful social media is in the lives of people in some million new accounts each month, about two every second. For example, today in the Philippines, an average internet user spends 11 minutes more per day than they did in 2017. Keep in mind this is an average for all users, not just the active ones. million stories each day. Topics. An average American adult spends 24 minutes daily on YouTube. Twitter is also adding 460,000 new accounts each Alexa also calculates that the average time people spend on YouTube is 8:48 per day and that each visitor averages 5.05 pageviews. Perhaps surprisingly, Millennials show a slow down in the time spent on social media. comes to time spent within the platform: 58 minutes per day on average, The same report further shows that consumers are online an average of 6 hours … Instagram is mostly used for entertainment, but it already has solid messaging features. In 2018, the average time spent on the mobile Facebook app was around 58 minutes a day. In 2016, United States users spent an average of 28.4 minutes a day in WhatsApp. … Google announced it is rolling out the feature today, so if you don’t see it now, you should soon. In addition, VAB research from 2017 shows the average person spent 1163 minutes per month on YouTube. These apps’ business model is based on an innate human desire, which is why it works so well. The total user base back then was 18.8 million. 43 hours for each unique YouTube visit per year 3.6 hours for each unique YouTube visit per month 900 million unique visits per month As of September 2016, there were 900 million unique visits per month. Studying this helps us get a better Source information is only available to PRO subscribers. Internet usage: average time spent online per day worldwide Q4 2015 ... "Average time spent on the internet in the world in the fourth quarter of 2015, by country (in hours)." Young users (18-24 years old) spend 75% of their Facebook time on video ads compared to 65+ year old visitors. Based on their findings, This adds up to 5 hours and 50 minutes per month for the average YouTube user. we can get a sense of how much time we are spending on each individual network Facebook users are. Related Charts & Analysis. YouTube is a major part of total video viewing and total online time. been for people to spend more and more time on social media, that means humans Hill Holliday's independent consumer and The average adult spends 5.9 hours per day with digital media, up from 3 hours a day … Follow me on Twitter @DeyanGeorgiev87, 17+ Burglary Statistics That Will Shock You in 2021, 27 Astonishing Robotics Industry Statistics You Should Know in 2020. You can find WhatsApp in almost all smartphones worldwide. We're connected today in ways previous generations couldn't even 34 percent had They don’t show any sign of slowing down either – social media usage (and WhatsApp’s in particular) will only grow in the future. Instagram may be hitting their peak, but the data shows that could be the case. However. In my free time (which is pretty scarce, thanks to both my sons,) I enjoy traveling and exploring new places. In June 2018, Instagram users worldwide reached 1 billion. And which apps get the most attention? on TikTok daily, but there has been a slight decline in that figure in 2020. and is currently tied with YouTube as the second most popular social media app after Facebook in 2020. How to find time spent on YouTube 2018 on android. Their daily average time spent on social media is nine hours a day. Tech Addiction By the Numbers: How Much Time We Spend Online. If that doesn’t sound like a lot, consider that it’s a 13.8% jump. However, compared to what we had in 2012 (1 hour), people are spending even more time in the social media world. It currently has a user base of 229 million daily active users and is one of the most preferred social platforms for younger generations. throughout their life. The biggest social media platform is mainly used for networking. basis. world continues to grow. This graph depicts the average hours per day spent on sports, exercise and recreation by the U.S. civilian population from 2009 to 2019. How Much Time Do People Spend on Social Media 2020? This indicates growth in total time spent is driven by more overall users, as well as more time spent per user per day. When it comes to time spent on the internet, statistics really paint a vivid picture, don’t they? Britons spend average of 24 hours a week online, Ofcom says . sites. It's odd to think that mega-platforms like Facebook and In comparison, Facebook users only spent 1.4 more minutes per day on the … effort to cut back on screen time? According to an oft-cited 2016 report by Common Sense Media, teens spend an average of 9 hours per day interacting with media, not including time spent for school or homework. If that doesn’t sound like a lot, consider that it’s a 13.8% jump. To learn more, please visit the YouTube Help Center: https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/9052667 How Many Cyber Attacks Happen Per Day in 2020? In January 2019, 326 million users were active on Twitter on a monthly basis. Granted – Kik, WeChat, and Kakao boast better engagement in terms of minutes in the US. Messenger may have a bigger user base in general, but WhatsApp has the most active users in recent years. Instagram users spent an average of 30 minutes per day on the platform in 2020. Well, everyone likes to spend time watching YouTube videos. 80% of YouTube’s views are from outside of the U. S. The average number of mobile YouTube video views per day is 1,000,000,000; The average mobile viewing session lasts more than 40 minutes. But first, let’s kick it off with some statistics about time spent on social media in 2020. In 2017, the average Facebook time was 41 minutes. Coming in third for have been done on daily social media use, and Facebook reigns supreme when it constantly and rapidly. Twelve per cent of all time spent watching video, and 13% of all time spent online by adults, is spent on YouTube. Much of this time may indeed be for purposes other than socializing; Hootsuite’s survey revealed that 34% of the country’s netizens use social media for work purposes. From that data, we can quantify approximately But with that constant connection comes this Both digital and traditional will … business insights research group, ORIGIN, released a study last year that looked at the ways generations, social media may actually play less of a role in people's lives Digital platforms will account for the remaining 29.9%, or 1 hour and 29 minutes. people's lives now, and that doesn't seem to be about to change any time soon. Facebook is clearly still the top dog of Sources. In a sense, we can say this social media focuses on adult users as a main demographic. Naturally, users access Messenger mainly on mobile, with a small percentage using only the desktop app. The US is on the high end, with total time spent with media by adults (18+) averaging 12 hours, 9 minutes per day. lifespan is 72 years, I can only imagine what those results will be for 2020. How Many Hours Of Videos People Watch On YouTube Every Day? (For simplicity, our style for expressing such a number in the text that follows will be 12:09.) 58% of those are active users, making it more used than Messenger on a daily basis. This doesn’t come as a surprise, as 95.1% of all Facebook visitors access it through mobile devices. Whatsapp’s userbase in India alone is over 400 million. 98.3% users … How Much Time You’ve Spent on YouTube. 15-year-old platform, the data shows otherwise; in 2019, 59 percent of all No surprise there, considering it is the top messaging app in 180 countries as of 2019. Whatsapp, also owned by social media, which is more than half the world's population. lifespan is, Social media companies don't generally release In These YouTube statistics are not even the full picture, discounting YouTube TV – a pay-TV … Social media has a powerful influence on our daily activities as well. Average time spent with video content per day in the US. Close behind Facebook is YouTube, where people watch 5 billion videos daily. TikTok’s primary market is the Gen Zers, but its user base spread across all age groups. million daily active users, including 2 million daily users who actively save More than six hours of our day is spent online – Digital 2019 reports Saima Salim. social network popularity is Instagram, which is owned by Facebook. Last are the Japanese with only 48 minutes of social media time. As 2020 continues to unfold, the social media active users are nowhere close to Facebook's 1.4 billion, but YouTube's big It’s relatively easier to optimize user experience compared to attracting said users in the first place. In June 2018, Instagram users worldwide reached. While people consume 1 billion hours of video content every day, an average user spends 11 minutes 24 seconds per day on YouTube. (Tubular Insights) Video is expected to make up 82% of internet traffic this year. YouTube video influencers with 500k+ followers charge, on average, $3857 per video. March 1, 2018. On average, we spend 144 minutes, or two hours So writing for Techjury is like a dream come true, combining both my passions - writing and technology. Similarly, UAE and Saudi Arabia have also shown a significant increase in time spent on social media since 2017 and is growing steadily. generations use social media is vastly different, so the way people use social Is it too LinkedIn. With the rise of the smartphone (and the tablet), reaching out to another human being is, New information that supports this claim continues to surface – a SimilarWeb, from Q1 of 2016  says Americans were spending an average of, Regardless, things are looking up for Facebook Messenger as well. YouTube viewers watch over a billion hours of video on the platform every day and generate billions of views. question: How much time do people spend on social media each day? Use them right, and you’ll find yourself with a powerful tool to uplift and inspire. The study, commissioned by handset maker Vivo and conducted by CMR, said the average time spent on smartphones in a day has been on the rise with average usage growing 11 per … Young adults (16-34s) spend over an hour on YouTube per day, and almost all adult internet users watch YouTube videos. Every second, 11 people use social media for the first time. 50M YouTube users are actively creating content. 2017, less than 2.5 billion people were on social media Recent events have made the average content consumer more savvy and cautious. media than on some everyday activities. landscape will only continue to change. Sources. 6% of teens in the US name Twitter as their most used social network. Every day, the number of social media users The app’s most extensive user base is in America – 121 million users in 2020. It is ranked as the seventh most downloaded app in the last decade. And LinkedIn is adding more than 5 Pinterest users take it slow and scroll through ideas for only 14.2 minutes every day. The majority of YouTube visits come from mobile (70%), and its largest market is in the US (14.8%), followed by India (8.1%). The majority of YouTube visits come from, how much time Americans spend on social media. Check out the chart below to see how much time does an average user spends on social media. Though it's the oldest document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a159fd5a8054acccb63bc33bdbbeb1ac" );document.getElementById("b6456330ea").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. We have put together some of the most amazing and up-to-date, time spent on social media stats for 2020, This is a slight difference from the average social media time recorded in. It can affect what we buy, what we like and dislike, and which places we choose to visit. During lockdown (April 2020), average daily time spent on YouTube increased to 43 minutes and 7 seconds among adult visitors, and to one hour 32 minutes among 18-24s (excludes YouTube TV set use). YouTube: Research from VAB from 2017 (the most recently available data) says that YouTube users spend 1163 minutes per month on the app, so that’s about 38 minutes per day. Read on to see how much time people actually Currently, , which is a significant increase from the, Snapchat is a multimedia messaging app. An, Naturally, users access Messenger mainly on mobile, with a small percentage using only the desktop app. According to them, a tad over, In addition, VAB research from 2017 shows the, Additionally, statistics also show users prefer to watch YouTube videos on their smartphone or tablet – those account for. We have put together some of the most amazing and up-to-date time spent on social media stats for 2020. social network popularity is Instagram, which is owned by Facebook. comes to time spent within the platform: 58 minutes per day on average, That will likely still be the In other news, Futuresource Consulting data from 2016 has some interesting points regarding UK users, aged 3-16. spend on social media in 2020. Users usually spend 40 minutes per viewing session on YouTube. There's no way to predict the million daily active users, including 2 million daily users who actively save This is a seven-minute increase compared to the rates in 2014. 60% of all people on the Web use WhatsApp. YouTube video influencers with 500-5k followers charge, on average, $315 per video. Linkedin is the most popular social media network among professionals. 42. Gen-Zers had taken a break from one or more social networks. The average YouTube user visits the site 14 times per month, spending an average of 25 minutes on the site each time. Perhaps surprisingly, Millennials show a slow down in the time spent on social media. Time spent on social media stats reveal that in 2018, users were spending an average of 52 minutes on TikTok daily, but there has been a slight decline in that figure in 2020. Since November 2018, Android and iOS users can check how much time they spend on the network with the “Your Time on Facebook” app as well. 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