These helps to the study of Colossians should be of use: This is another book commonly attributed to the Apostle Paul that in more recent times has been challenged as to its authorship. 3:19; Heb. Paul exalted Christ as supreme over all and as the source of all wisdom (Col. 1:15-20; 2:2-3, 9). 0000013179 00000 n Foster provides the commentary on Colossians in this renowned series of biblical commentaries, under the General Editorship of Professor Morna D. Hooker (Lady Margaret Professor of Divinity Emerita in the University of Cambridge, UK). Please read: The “Top 10” list below is a starting point for learning about Colossians commentaries. 0000020368 00000 n Wednesday, 4 January 2006 . Much of it consists of journal entries that Carson’s father, who was also a pastor, wrote over the course of his ministry. Colossians 2:8, "See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ." Colossians #6 - Audience of One. Chapter of St Paul's Letter to the Colossians "Firstborn of all creation!' Author and Audience: Colossians was written by Paul during his first Roman imprisonment and addressed “to the saints and faithful brethren … at Colosse” (Colossians 1:2; see Colossians 1:1; 4:3, 10, 18; see also Acts 28:16–31).It was also to be read to the Saints in Laodicea (see Colossians 4:16).. Introductory Remarks Because of the rising tide of human philosophies confronting us today, no New Testament book speaks with more relevancy than does the epistle to the Colossians. 0000008222 00000 n During Paul's first imprisonment in Rome (Acts 2:16-31), Epaphras (see "Introduction: Original Audience") joined him under house arrest (Acts 28; Col. 4:12-13). As was often the case in the Hellenistic period, the word philosophy did not refer to rational inquiry, but to occult speculations and practices based on a body of "tradition" (Col. 2:8). 0000020319 00000 n 10 Best Colossians Commentaries. Most commentators are certain that Paul was indeed the author. Copyright 2011-2021, Third Millennium Ministries, Inc. All rights reserved. Colossians #10 - Chris In Us. 0000020854 00000 n Paul wrote to help members of the Church in Colosse hold firmly to the truth that God had already accepted them by virtue of their union with Christ. 0000006631 00000 n However, certain features of this false teaching do surface. He concludes that Colossians was intended for an audience broader than the geographical boundaries of Colossae, and that its rhetoric alludes to two historical threads of opposition: Jewish traditions and pagan religions. • The Epistle to the Galatians was written as a defense of the Gentiles’ right to be free in … 0000020516 00000 n An impressive work by all standards. 0000004731 00000 n 0000004262 00000 n First, it claimed to be a "philosophy" (Col. 2:8). Share. 0000008374 00000 n 19 See O’Brien, Colossians, p. liii; Guthrie, NTI, p. 557; Childs, The NT as Canon, 346-349; Bruce, Paul, The Apostle of the Heart Set Free, pp. 0000021230 00000 n During Paul's first imprisonment in Rome (Acts 2:16-31), Epaphras (see "Introduction: Original Audience") joined him under house arrest (Acts 28; Col. 4:12-13). While perfection, or maturity, still stood before them as a goal (Col. 1:22-23, 28), they already enjoyed "fullness in Christ" (Col. 2:10), the perfect One. Attach a tilde (~) to the front of a word to omit results containing that word. The book of Colossians was likely written around A.D. 62 while Paul was in prison in Rome and delivered to its audience by Tychicus and Onesimus (Colossians 4:3, 7-9, 18). Timothy's part in composing Colossians may partially explain the extant differences in writing style and vocabulary between this and Paul's other letters (see introduction, under "Author"). 0000005906 00000 n Steven Bouma-Prediger, Jacobson Professor of Religion, Hope College "An inventive and relevant way to look at the text of Paul's letter to the church at Colossae. 0000020653 00000 n Several hundred years before Paul's day, Colosse had been a leading city in Asia Minor (present-day Turkey). 0000020791 00000 n xÚäUëOSgzzÇC9‡  Å‚th\¡¤"¢ii+Ê´Ì˂ˤ+3skğB—Å¥ — c*)ñhë X]ÄÉŒ—Å”¶™è¨ââœ./™ÆÌü°øe{N‹ŠñÃş€½9§ïû. 0000003513 00000 n startxref Colossians Remixed is an explosive tract for our times. 411-412. Not only do we live in an atomic and space age, but in the most technologically advanced age of all time. %PDF-1.5 %âãÏÓ 0000017740 00000 n Audience: Colossians is one of four Prison Epistles written by the apostle Paul during his first Roman imprisonment. Gal. 2:2). The amount of parallels between Romans 6 and Colossians 2:12-14 may seem many as to suggest deliberate forgery, but these are so subtle that it is best concluded that parallels between other epistles and Colossians are due to the proximity of the writing to them (a couple of years after Romans) combined with perhaps the situation and audience. You learned it from Epaphras, our dear fellow servant, who is a faithful minister of Christ … Colossians 1:7 — D. A. Carson wrote a book called Memoirs of an Ordinary Pastor. (Colossians 3:5-6) He continues, instructing them that they must rid themselves of "anger, wrath, malice, slander, and abusive language from your mouth [and lying]." One reason why character is vital for Christians is because of the audience of one. It is most likely that Paul wrote his letter to the Colossians in response to this visit (c. A.D. 60). Straight to the Heart of Galatians to Colossians covers Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians. Christianity may have reached this city during Paul’s mission work in Ephesus … Original Audience: Paul never visited Colosse (Col. 2:1). Date of Writing: The Book of Colossians was likely written between A.D. 58-62. This summary of the book of Colossians provides information about the title, author(s), date of writing, chronology, theme, theology, outline, a brief overview, and the chapters of the Book of Colossians. Colosse: The Town and the Church. 0000017344 00000 n ... Colossians 1:7 — D. A. Carson wrote a book called Memoirs of an Ordinary Pastor. 0000017295 00000 n • The Book of Acts recounts the story of the establishment of the early church. 0000005671 00000 n The book of Colossians names three people who resided at Colossae: Epaphras, who had established the congregation but who was now with Paul (Colossians 4:12); Archippus, a minister now serving the brethren (4:17); and Onesimus, a runaway slave who had become a Christian and was specifically identified by Paul as “one of you” (4:9). 0000009046 00000 n Thanks for Joining us! Colossians is also very similar in content to Ephesians and Philemon, with about one fourth of Colossians actually contained in the book of Ephesians. 0000005439 00000 n 0000020728 00000 n Early Christians understood angels to be agents in creation and in the giving of the law (Acts 7:53; Gal. Canticle in St Paul's Letter to the Colossians (1: 3, 12-20) "All the fullness of God' Evening Prayer - Wednesday of the Fourth Week. 0000020891 00000 n 0000016295 00000 n In fact, Houlden suggests that Paul differentiates those who resist false teaching (the faithful brothers) from those who are susceptible to it (1970:148). As a means of overcoming fear of the astral or cosmic powers, and under the guise of revelations the "philosophers" received in ecstatic states, the Colossians were being urged to pursue a regimen of asceticism, abstinence and angel veneration. Timothy is also given some credit (Colossians 1:1). Introduction to Colossians: Authorship, Date, Audience, Purpose, Theme and Content, Comparisons, Authenticity (Reference a similar introduction to Ephesians.) On his first missionary journey Paul visited and converted people in many cities of southern Galatia, such as Antioch, Lystra, Iconium, and Derbe which are referred to specifically in the book of Acts. 0000012903 00000 n Destination of the letter - The epistle to the Colossians was written to the church at Colosse, probably between 60 and 63 AD. 1188 0 obj<>stream The members had learned of God’s truth from Epaphras, who was “a faithful minister of Christ” (1:6-7). 0000000016 00000 n Colossians should be dated c. a.d. 60, in the same year as Ephesians and Philemon. Evening Prayer - Wednesday of Week Three. Colossians #7 - Image of the Invisible. Archippus and Onesimus are also mentioned in the book of Philemon (Philemon 1:2, 10). audience. Author: The apostle Paul was the primary writer of the Book of Colossians (Colossians 1:1). Purpose of Writing: The first half of the Book of Colossians is a theological treatise that includes one of the most profound … The audience of the letter is obviously the Colossians, but also to the neighboring city of Laodicea (Dunn 1996). 2020-10-05 33:33. It placed much value on legal ordinances derived from the Old Testament, such as food regulations, Sabbath and New Moon observance, and other prescriptions of the Jewish calendar (Col. 2:16). Take up and read." The city of Colossae was about 100 miles east of Ephesus in modern-day Turkey. 0000004081 00000 n While the book was originally written to address the needs of a specific audience (the followers in the early church), many passages remain very applicable to Christians in today’s world. 0000015598 00000 n 0000017542 00000 n He told the apostle about false teachings that threatened the Church of Colosse and remained with Paul to pray for the Churches of the Lycus Valley. Christians should be concerned about their character because growing Christian character pleases God. 0000007112 00000 n He wanted the Colossians to stand strong in their commitment to Christ as the Lord of all. An impressive work by all standards. 0000004967 00000 n 0000016934 00000 n This was a period of house arrest around AD 60–62. Scripture Reading — Colossians 1:1-8. In stressing faithful brothers, Paul may very well have the audience's religious confusion in mind. 1186 0 obj<> endobj He teaches that when we grasp the message that Paul wrote to the believers in these churches, it enables us to be as fruitful as they were. Canticle cf. It is not intended to be the “final word” because of its limitations. • The Book of Acts ... that Paul had originally written the Colossians a previous letter about John Mark but this letter no longer exists (4:10). The book was originally a series of letters written by the Apostle Paul to the Christian communities living in Colossae, an ancient city in Asia Minor. We just don’t really know for sure what this other “philosophy” was. Dr. Richard L. Pratt, Jr. is Co-Founder and President of Third Millennium Ministries who served as Professor of Old Testament at Reformed Theological Seminary and has authored numerous books. Christians must live in dependence on Christ, not on any other power. 0000005203 00000 n Neither Paul nor Jesus Christ tried to abolish slavery as it was too entrenched a part of the Roman Empire. Galatians: Audience. The letters to the Colossians and to Philemon are believed to have been written by Paul from prison sometime circa 60 to 62. 0000022016 00000 n Update: 2020-09-07. He told the apostle about false teachings that threatened the Church of Colosse and remained with Paul to pray for the Churches of the Lycus Valley. Believers must not be confused by false pieties that mix true faith with false religions or philosophies. 0000015239 00000 n • The Epistle to the Romans is the major thesis on the basic doctrines of Christianity. Although addressed to the Colossians, Paul includes the Laodiceans in his intended audience in verse 4:16, "And when this letter has been read among you, have it also read in the church of the Laodiceans; and see that you also read the letter from Laodicea." These people lived in a province outside Rome. 0000016606 00000 n 411-412. xref In the days of Paul, however, Colosse had declined in the face of the growth of two sister cities in the Lycus Valley: Laodicea and Hierapolis. 1. Christians are not holy by their own efforts to please God; they are transformed into a holy people for a holy God by the Lord's gracious initiative. audience. 2. 0000003574 00000 n This infinite eternal powerful being is shown in this epistle to be personal, He is shown to be the one who becomes our life! The Audience (1:2) Having introduced himself, Paul next greets the Colossians as a holy and faithful congregation. If you have any questions or want more information about Watermark Church please visit 0000017628 00000 n GENERAL AUDIENCE. (Colossians 3:8-9) Paul is plainly telling his audience that no person who does these sinful things will be saved. 0000004495 00000 n Audience. At that time, Nero was the cruel and insane emperor of the Roman Empire who could ignore the claims of Paul’s Roman citizenship. Wednesday, 7 September 2005 . The creator, the one from whom all things consist, the all powerful one, the master of time and space, the head of the church. Colossians follows the outline of a typical Pauline letter. 0000017691 00000 n To affirm and explain the supremacy and sufficiency of Christ in opposition to all other powers and attempts to gain. It was easily the least significant city to which any of Paul's surviving letters was addressed. 0000006874 00000 n 0000020431 00000 n 0000012854 00000 n 0000017591 00000 n For instance, the Phrygian god Cybele and her lover Attis are known to have been transformed by popular pagan piety (though the dating is obscure) into astral and cosmic powers. Nevertheless, a list based on aggregate reviews is likely to point many people in the right direction to find the right resource for their purposes. The Audience (1:2) Having introduced himself, Paul next greets the Colossians as a holy and faithful congregation. 0000017443 00000 n In Colossians, Paul addresses a way of thinking and existing that runs counter to the thought and life rooted in the good news of Jesus Christ. Philemon was one of those people swayed by that gospel, in the church at Colossae.Paul reminded Philemon of that as he urged him to accept the newly converted Onesimus back, not as a lawbreaker or his slave, but as a fellow brother in … Colossians is a book of the New Testament. (3) The role of angels in this false teaching is also evident in the phrase "the worship of angels" (Col. 2:18). He concludes that Colossians was intended for an audience broader than the geographical boundaries of Colossae, and that its rhetoric alludes to two historical threads of opposition: Jewish traditions and pagan religions. Letter of Paul to the Colossians, also called Epistle of St. Paul the Apostle to the Colossians, abbreviation Colossians, twelfth book of the New Testament, addressed to Christians at Colossae, Asia Minor, whose congregation was founded by St. Paul the Apostle’s colleague Epaphras. During this time, Paul also wrote Ephesians, Philippians, and Philemon. Paul wrote to oppose these false teachings, whatever their source. salvation. 0000008598 00000 n trailer 0000020616 00000 n 0000008036 00000 n 0000007351 00000 n Attach an asterisk (*) to the end of a word as a wildcard. Introduction to Colossians: Authorship, Date, Audience, Purpose, Theme and Content, Comparisons, Authenticity (Reference a similar introduction to Ephesians.) Rather, their mission was to preach the gospel. Some Jewish thinkers merged angels with astral powers thought to be protecting the planets. Those discussions are found in the critical commentaries listed below, so the reader is … Most likely, it was not something definite — Stoicism, mystical Judaism, or the like. Three key factors point to this: (1) Paul stressed Christ's superiority to and victory over "the powers and authorities" (Col. 2:15; see also Col. 1:15-16, 19; 2:10, 18-19). Through these references, we learn that Philemon was also a member at C… 0000012952 00000 n In the first century this term was used in the Greek world to refer to gods of stars and planets, and even to the physical elements (earth, wind, fire, and water) that were thought to control the destinies of men and women (note that these same elements are still taught to contain spiritual power in certain sects of satanism and witchcraft today). They must repent and return to obeying God, which is the evidence of a true faith in Jesus Christ. Join us as Pastor Jarvis dives into the book of Colossians! The letter was brought to the city while Paul was still in jail, most likely by Epaphras who had founded a … 4:3) may also point to angelic beings. It seems that Paul did not start the congregation in this city. 0000012762 00000 n It is difficult to reconstruct the precise elements of false teaching to which Paul responded because the epistle is less a critique of error than a positive statement of the sufficiency of the person and work of Christ. 0000017479 00000 n Third, the role of angelic spirits was an important element in this teaching. GENERAL AUDIENCE. He told the apostle about false teachings that threatened the Church of Colosse and remained with Paul to pray for the Churches of the Lycus Valley. The mention of circumcision (Col. 2:11) also points to the Jewish nature of this false teaching, but it does not suggest that the Old Testament rite was a central issue in Colosse, as it was in Galatia (see Overview of the Book of Galatians). Much of it consists of journal entries that Carson’s father, who was also a pastor, wrote over the course of his ministry. It was probably … Continue reading "Commentary on Colossians 3:1-4" He rejected ceremonialism (Col. 2:16-17), asceticism (Col. 2:21, 23), and angel worship (Col. 2:18). Parallel developments took place in Jewish traditions, which opened the way for mixing Judaism with these pagan beliefs. Colossians Remixed is a book about Colossians, but also about how to engage postmodernism, and what the Christian church should look like in the shadow of Empire. 0000003316 00000 n Dear Brothers and Sisters, 1. As a general introduction to Colossians, readers always face the questions of who wrote the letter, when, who is the intended audience, what is the Christ is completely sufficient to bring the fullness and newness of life to believers. The Book of Colossians was written by the Apostle Paul, in an effort to solidify and strengthen Christian believers in Colosse. 1186 69 %%EOF 19 See O’Brien, Colossians, p. liii; Guthrie, NTI, p. 557; Childs, The NT as Canon, 346-349; Bruce, Paul, The Apostle of the Heart Set Free, pp. 0 0000008862 00000 n Christ is supreme over all of creation and over the Church. Colossians 1:21-23 Once you were alienated from God and were enemies in your minds because of your evil behavior. Colossians has a heresy, and the "immediate rhetoric" can certainly be somewhat seen in chapters 1 and 2, but it is a church that Paul had never visited. 0000011581 00000 n 0000003156 00000 n 0000020467 00000 n Description. Colossians 3:12-13, "Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. The traditional view is that "Galatians" would have been the only term Paul could have used to refer to this collective region. 0000006149 00000 n In these books, Moore focuses on Paul's teaching of the Holy Spirit--how it makes us free, new, strong, and joyful. Moreover, intertestamental Jewish literature envisioned Israel caught in the middle of a conflict between two kingdoms led, respectively, by good and evil powers that claimed her allegiance. But now he has reconciled you by Christ's physical body through death to present you holy in his sight, without blemish and free from accusation-if you continue in your faith, established and firm, not moved from the hope held out in the gospel. (2) The phrase "the basic principles of this world" (Col. 2:8, 20; cf. 0000007600 00000 n 0000015939 00000 n Kingdom, Covenants & Canon of the Old Testament, Your Kingdom Come: The Doctrine of Eschatology, He Gave Us Scripture: Foundations of Interpretation, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Copyright, Authors, and Theological Editors of the SORSB. In Paul's day, Colosse was a fairly inconsequential market town. The victory of the good powers over the evil was the promised result of Israel's repentance, full obedience and perfect Sabbath observance. The teaching in Colosse confused the limited role angels legitimately have as "ministering spirits" (Heb. 0000007853 00000 n Second, this false teaching appears to have been strongly dependent on Judaism. An Audience of One. It was apparently familiar liturgical material to the author, the audience, and the false teachers. An Audience of One. In earlier days, Colosse, a city on the Lycus River in southeastern Asia Minor, had been prosperous and large, enjoying a thriving wool industry and a strategic location on a main overland trade route between Ephesus, 100 miles to the west, and the Euphrates River, some 400 miles to the east. 1:14) with the larger cosmic role being accorded them in some Jewish quarters, as well as the role attributed to astral powers outside Judaism. <<706d5116b945284caa604a5243ac2a23>]>> Colossians shows Jesus Christ’s divine characteristics. 0000001676 00000 n 0000021193 00000 n 0000020579 00000 n 0000013001 00000 n Comments In Channel. Although some interpreters in the past associated this expression with Jewish legalism, a pagan identification is more likely. Exalted Christ as supreme over all and as the source of all wisdom ( Col. 2:21, 23,! 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