Algol & the Asc are ruled by Venus in the 10th house of career. At the same time crime is also fuelled by alcohol, giving us a false sense of bravado. Other parts of the body can be affected here, especially the thymus gland which in turn affects the lymph nodes. The bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki that followed killed over 200 000 people and mutated countless more. He had a sun Jupiter conjunction trine the Moon Sect light and exalted ruler of his ascendant Algol conjunction from the 11th to the 3rd house. It was known as the ‘blinking eye’ of the demon due to being a binary star that eclipsed itself every three days, vanishing for what seemed like no reason. I’m focusing on heterosexual men and their… He also has a Yod with Sun Sextile Jupiter quincunx the Galactic Centre. Fixed Star Algol. Moon conjunct Venus conjunct Algol opposite Neptune: This energy point causes a multitude of problems connected with the neck. [7]. The Sun joins Algol on May 16. This gave her so fearful an appearance that everyone who looked at her was changed into stone. But then again a natal chart is also FIXED for a life time, though subject to transits and progressions. We fear to let go of the past because we lack faith in the Hand that holds the future. You must be talking about illegal aliens.They know full well they’re breaking our laws. Stars in Astrology – Algol, Wikipedia. You wrote; I have connected with many men, of importance to me, with Algol influencing them. [3]. Algol itself is a beautiful bright white star generally this signifies a positive affect which would account for the high spiritual manifestations noted by past astrologers. William’s two sons both have some rather concerning, unpleasant natal aspects. The Fixed Star Health and Behavior Imbalance, Ted George and Barbara Parker, 1985, p.21. [1], Astrologers, of course, said that it was the most unfortunate, violent, and dangerous star in the heavens, and it certainly has been one of the best observed, as the most noteworthy variable in the northern sky. Many astrologers think that Algol is on the ecliptic but as you can see from the above map it is well north of the ecliptic (the pink line in the above map). [2]. Born Monday 19 July 1976 @ 12PM in Hammersmith, England. Thus we get the ominous reference to an evil pulsating eye - a very powerful and provocative image and recently put to great effect by Tolkien as a representation of the evil Mordor in Lord of the Rings. Transits through Capricorn and by Saturn are going to be emancipated in this year. Everyone knows this fixed star, Algol, the “Head of Medusa”. The fixed star Algol is found within the head of the demon Medusa inside the constellation Perseus. True that Algol comes from an old Arabic word meaning particularly nasty spirit but then, as we have noted, we all too easily look back and within ourselves only to be halted at our traumas and ‘nasty bits’, failing to penetrate further to the glory beyond them. The fixed star Algol is found within the head of the demon Medusa inside the constellation Perseus. Obviously I can’t have any of it, but at least Now you know why it wasnt taken to the Patent Office, although it made it to a Swiss art show. 8. Venus represents children, as well as many other things. It is said that men become so fearful at the sight of Medusa they would turn to stone if they looked at her. Please help me, I seek answers to a presently horrible situation with family. It gives wonderful creative talents such as art and music, from which you can make a good living. Maybe he knows. Algol represents the head of the Gorgon Medusa who was slain by Perseus. Uranus conjunct Algol: John Lennon 0°12′, Linda Marshall 0°25′, Eric Burdon 0°27′ (and Venus and Jupiter), Michael Bloomberg 1°02′, Muhammad Ali 1°06′, Bruce Lee 1°40′. Good for making investments, tending to savings and banking. Indeed she is, without doubt, counted the most malefic of all stars in astrology, even though Ptolemy gives her the less obviously ominous Saturn-Jupiter styling. Firstly, let us look at the profected chart (not shown) valid during Michaels accident because of the connection between the head injury and the mythology of Algol. The Fixed Stars were so called by the ancients to distinguish them from the Planets, or Wanderers, which are heavenly bodies moving perceptibly across the sphere of the Zodiac.Fixed Stars do not move across the ecliptic in the same way as planets do and in classical times were believed to be fixed to a gigantic celestial sphere, which twirled in a stately dance around the … “If genome projects prove important to biology, then historians will note the Alta meeting” [9]. Perseus Constellation gives an intelligent, strong, bold and adventurous nature, but a tendency to lying. Alcyone Nigel Farage 1°36′, Aspects activate fixed stars when they are conjunct or in opposition to an activated planet or light. North Node was conjunct Algol. Alcohol comes from the word Algol. Ive mentioned at a few web sites, that the Trinity is worth over $3trillion with the Proofs as they are now. Home  /  Fixed Stars  /  Perseus Constellation  /  Algol Star. There may be a striking beard or glorious long hair. It is the most evil star in the heavens. Algol is the second brightest star of the constellation Perseus and thus is sometimes referred to as Beta Persei.The name Algol, says Richard Hinckley Allen, comes from the Arabic Ras Al-Ghul, which literally means the Mischief Maker.Star Names (Dover, 1963) page 332.. Vivian E . Michaels Natal Algol is 25’44 Taurus conjunct Asc 29’24 Taurus, although a wide orb this conjunction is clearly shown in his career during his many accidents behind the wheel of sports cars. So does the 5th house. I want to specifically know about AC, Sun and Moon (which i think are the three most key points/planets in a chart) effects when sitting on Algol. Algol is the beta, or second brightest, star in the constellation of Perseus. 188-191 filled="f" stroked="f"> [1]Brady, Bernadette (1998) Brady’s Book of Fixed Stars. It is easy for a dictator to brainwash a nation of drunks. hi H20, o:borderleftcolor="#767171" o:borderbottomcolor="#767171" o:borderrightcolor="#767171"> And since he has that conjunction in his own chart, his own children might experience misfortune ? Mars was conjunct Algol. [3]. THAT’S IT. Perseus waited for the graiai guardsmen of the gorgons to pass there one shared eye to one another at the change of watch, when they did Perseus snatched the eye and threw it in lake tritonis. The star Algol is located in the severed head of the gorgon medusa held by Perseus the son of Zeus and Danae. Author: Topic: Fixed Star - Algol: soulful122 Knowflake . Robson, B.Sc (The fixed Stars & Constellations in Astrology), Errol Jud Coder (The Constellations Myths of The Stars), Ebertin Hoffmann (Fixed Stars & their Interpretation), Above Translated from Elsbeth Ebertins (Sternenwandel & Weltgeschehen), Constellation myths (Oxford world classics). Algol has the influence of Saturn & Jupiter, Algol’s procession through the tropical constellations is currently @ 26’25 Taurus. There has to be limits of some sorts. We all know the 5th house is the house of royalty and since transit Uranus is now in Taurus, thus meaning it will eventually conjunct this fixed star and William’s Venus, do you think something will happen? 2. type="#_x0000_t75" alt="A picture containing map, textDescription generated with very high confidence" Upon passing the graiai guardsman’s watch Perseus was able to creep up to the gorgons with the help of Minerva’s shield, Pluto’s helmet and Hermes sandals and cut of the head of the sleeping Medusa. Secondly aspects to malefics represents the gorgon sisters and aspects to the benefic’s represent the spiritual teachings of Athena. type=". At present Algol is at about 26° Taurus. Tucker Carlson 0°05′, Liberace 0°10′, Marshal Applewhite 0°18′, Debra Winger 0°19′, Cosimo de’ Medici 0°19′, Tori Spelling 0°28′, Graig Ferguson 0°40′, Megan Fox 0°56′, Josh Homme 0°58′, Zara Phillips 1°02′, John Frawley 1°11′, Brian Eno 1°15′, Trent Reznor 1°19′, Georges Braque 1°35′, Don Bachardy 1°36′, Pope John Paul II 1°46′, Andy Murray 1°48′, Erik Satie 1°53′, Yannick Noah 1°58′. My natal Moon (7th) Mars+Saturn (5th) midpoint conjuncts Algol. Think of just the children separated for years from their parents at the border and the Kurds slaughtered in the Middle East when our troops left Syria leaving families to be murdered. 4. Like something that will change his fate? On April 25, 1953, Watson and Crick published their groundbreaking discovery on the structure of DNA, the building block of our genes. What do I have? Yesterday I wrote about the yearly conjunction of the Sun with Algol, the malefic fixed star in the sign of Taurus. Algol varies from a 2.3-3.5 Magnitude Star. [6], Fixed star Algol star rules one-quarter inch up the base of the neck in the human body. Historically, it has received a strong association with violence across a wide variety of cultures. Interesting. Algol, Beta Persei (β Per) is a triple star system located in the constellation Perseus. Algol varies from a 2.3-3.5 Magnitude Star. Maine, USA:Samuel Weisers pp. Algol Star, Beta Persei [], Ascendant conjunct Algol: Linda Marshall 0°28′, Robert the Bruce 0°29′, David Beckham 1°37′, Frederick the Great 1°55′, Midheaven conjunct Algol: Honor and preferment. Venus conjunct Algol: Eric Burdon 0°09′ (and Jupiter and Uranus), Duke William of Cambridge 0°15′, Johnny Depp 0°26′, Sid Vicious 1°05′, Princess Diana of Wales 1°13′, Michael Moore 1°51′. Fixed star Algol, Beta Persei, is a 2.1 magnitude, rare triple star and eclipsing binary, located in the Medusa’s Head, carried in the left hand of the Hero, Perseus Constellation.The name Algol comes from the Arabic word رئيس الغول, meaning Head of the Ogre.The English translation became Demon Star, with other names being Satan’s Head, the … Not fun. Algol it appears to blink as shown in the animation below. Medusa’s Head, the meaning of the Latin title, is being held in Perseus’s hand, which is she is star β in his constellation. If your Saturn is at 25 degrees Taurus, you have Saturn conjunct Algol. If culminating, honor and preferment.) From May 14 th-20th, the Sun was closely conjunct Caput Algol, a fixed star with a terrible reputation for decapitations both literal and figurative. 2. A mutation is the driver of generic evolution, it is no surprise to see the Algol star prominent in the history of the Human Genome Project. But it’s Charles who will succeed, so you feel William couldn’t handle the position Charles now holds {that William will inherit once everyone moves up a rank ?}. Astrologically, Aldebaran is a fortunate star, portending riches and honor.This star, named "Tascheter" by the Persians, is one of the four "royal stars" of the Persians from around 3000 BC.These stars were chosen in such way that they were approximately 6 hours apart in right ascension.Each of these stars was assigned to a season, Aldebaran was … If purpose and intent be ‘shady’, then we don’t really need stars to tell us that things are likely, with good reason, to go wrong. Ooops. Every 69 hours, its magnitude dips for about 10 hours before returning to full brightness again. 4. Algol is such a malefic fixed star that its zodiacal position assumes the importance of a critical degree that must always be considered when looking at unfolding trends (eg transits, solar returns, etc.). The Implications of Algol. I’m pretty old now, and STILL fighting like hell. Alcyone, η Tauri, and the whole Pleiades group is noted in astrology for its association with deep sorrows and tragedies, bereavements showing strongly with this star. Its position by longitude soon after Algol in Perseus may account for the gloomy quality, since Algol is much connotative with a violent death in mundane astrology, and that, of course, means bereavement for someone else. It is said to be one of the most unfortunate, violent, and dangerous stars in the heavens. It was only men, plus a few animals, who met this dire fate, not women. My astrology, which may be noteworthy to this article, include: Virgo the Virgin stellium in the 8th house of Scorpio (sex, death, psychology, etc). These people are unable to look down to see their feet, and when under stress, are unable to bend the neck forward or in any direction. And Michael was on holiday in France at the time of accident, this is shown by the Asc ruler in the 9th house Rx and partile trine the Natal Algol Asc midpoint at the time of accident. Posts: 522 From: ←↓↑→ Registered: Jan 2010: posted March 15, 2010 12:41 AM When do you think the Uranus transit will affect William ? As the ascendant ruler was conjunct a benefic and oppose Algol a balanced perspective was given through partnerships Carl formed particularly on darker topics. Charles Davenport – Wikipedia Thank you to anyone who can offer advice, and to the creator of this website. I can look it up and add more on that, I thought it was so interesting I kept what was said about it. Fixed Stars in Natal Chart Astrology Online Calculator 15 major stars (Behenian stars): Alcyone, Aldebaran, Algol, Algorab, Alkaid, Alphecca, Antares, Arcturus, Capella, Deneb Algedi, Procyon, Regulus, Sirius, Spica, Vega and 271 other Stars: - Alpha (α) Stars - Beta (β) Stars - … Below is a chart of a Prussian now Poland pow who was captured and put in a pow camp that was then bombed by the Germans killing him inside the camp. On June 25, 2000, President Clinton announced the completion of the Human Genome Project [10]. 7. Rules diamond, black hellebore, and mugwort. The name Algol comes from the Arabic word رئيس الغول, meaning  Head of the Ogre. Alcohol disintegrates and dries us out, so it literally petrifies. If at the same time in conjunction with Sun, Moon or Jupiter, gives victory over others in war. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.56, 123, 124, 232, 242. Fixed Star Algol For those that follow the Astrogasm blog but not my VirgoVault blog, I thought I would point out an important article on Algol and the Medusa Myth that I recently wrote up. This has to do with the esoteric mythological nature of the star that I am describing below. Sun and Mercury were conjunct Algol. Capulus Many a fine counselor and healer has Algol thus placed. I think the Queen might pass and he will be forced up a rank to which it will cause him great stress…it would be great to hear your prediction on this! Ta-Ling was also associated with sickness and troop movements. It is very difficult to avoid accidents and severe injuries if Algol is conjunction Sun, Moon or the malefics. coordsize="21600,21600" o:spt="75" o:preferrelative="t" path="m@4@5l@4@11@9@11@9@5xe" [3] The constellation is indicative of events affecting large numbers of people, especially those events caused by major meteorological phenomena. Also realize that these intense meanings are not to be taken literally, such as for Caput Algol, the fixed star of beheading. This is one the reason I sometimes doubt if Astrology is true. 11. 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A powerhouse! Influence of Algol: it causes misfortune, violence, decapitation, hanging, electrocution and mob violence, and gives a … FFS stop believing everything the lamestream media tells you. That is a good point. 6. We know Algol is being portrayed as the most destructive and dangerous star. Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p.21. Mars or Saturn conjunct Algol and Moon with Sadalmelik: hanging or decapitation by royal command; if the Moon is with Denebola death by judicial sentence; and, if the Moon is with Alphard death by water or poison. The fixed star Algol (Demon’s Head) situated in the constellation Perseus, 95 light-years from Earth. style='width:460.5pt;height:294.75pt;visibility:visible' o:bordertopcolor="#767171" The Renaissance mage Cornelius Agrippa says, "Under the Head of Algol, they made an image whose figure was … The Living Stars, Dr. Eric Morse, 1988, p.38, 130. The point-like nature of the fixed starsallows for some very precise observations when it comes to working with natal charts. Mercury conjunct Algol: David Beckham 0°00′, Eric Burdon 0°07′, Johnny Depp 0°21′, Jay Leno 0°44′, Salvador Dali 1°20′, Clint Eastwood 1°22′, Joseph Gurney Cannon 1°22′. Contrary to popular belief, the thymus gland does not discontinue functioning after puberty; it does continue to function and affect the lymph nodes and spiritual development. Algol in Horary Astrology Theory and Practice. You can bookmark this page as a reference for your astrological studies. It is of the nature of Saturn and Jupiter. Traditionally, this star is associated with difficult circumstances, or ‘losing one’s head’. Michaels perfected chart at age 44 and time of accident is the 9th house of Capricorn (the mountain goat in a foreign land) ruled by Saturn in the 12th house of isolation and Aries which rules the Head. Each year, around May 16, the Sun aligns with a powerful fixed star, Algol. His partners had to face that Michaels luck had run out in taking risks in this area. Pope John Paul II 0°39′, Mick Jagger 1°24′. Medieval Arabic commanders tried to ensure that no important battle began whilst the light of Algol was weak. He remains in isolation recovering from his head injuries in privacy being cared for by his family despite much media attention. Fixed Star Algol 25° or 26° Taurus The most evil star in the cosmos. Could you please tell me what Progressed IC @ Algol 26 Taurus would indicate? It causes misfortune, violence, decapitation, hanging, electrocution and mob violence, and gives a dogged and violent nature that causes death to the native or others. Posts: 636 From: idek Registered: Mar 2013: posted October 03, 2013 04:13 PM And borders as well. Fixed star Algol, Beta Persei, is a 2.1 magnitude, rare triple star and eclipsing binary, located in the Medusa’s Head, carried in the left hand of the Hero, Perseus Constellation. Fixed for a dictator placement, Pluto in the 10th house algol fixed star travel! A fine counselor and healer has Algol thus placed focusing on heterosexual men and their… the history of 15! Injuries in privacy being cared for by his family despite much media attention stelliums. Atlas, Alcyone which the chart is also fixed for a dictator placement, Pluto in the animation below or. Yearly conjunction of the 15 Behenian fixed stars 1°56′, Sun conjunct Algol: this energy point a! Accidents and severe injuries if Algol is located in the 10th house of career loose our and! Also fuelled by alcohol, giving us a false sense of bravado really all ever... Us but the beauty beyond it child and so it affects him from that direction Mick Jagger 1°24′ is every... 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Lymph nodes each year, around may 16, the sequence of the body can be affected here especially.